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Anyone else hate KDE4?

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    Anyone else hate KDE4?

    I hate to say it because I've been a KDE fan for years, and I've always hated Gnome, but KDE4 sucks. I just tried the Kubuntu beta live CD. That was a waste of 700MB. They are purposely trying to copy Vista. I don't like the widget idea at all. I want a normal desktop with icons. Why would they destroy desktop usability? I tried to copy and paste a .deb package from my usb stick to the desktop, and it turned it into a widget. It wasn't installable anymore. I guess
    dpkg -i
    doesn't know how to install widgets I feel like I've been punched in the gut. I know that more features will come in later versions, but I can't stand the base they are going to build on. I have waited for the beta to try it, thinking that it would be awesome. Now I don't know where I will go after KDE 3.5 disappears. I can't see myself using KDE4 unless some of the KDE3 usability comes back. I feel a little better now. Flame away
    Klaatu Barada Nikto

    Re: Anyone else hate KDE4?

    I have no use for 4.0.2, reserving judgement until 4.1. Hope their is reason for change, cant see it yet. Widgets yuck, desktop functionality is terrible. Eye candy gets old quick. I too have been a kde fanboy.


      Re: Anyone else hate KDE4?

      I think we all have our issues with kde4. The desktop functionality (or lack thereof) is its most glaring weakness for me. There are heaps of other minor and not so minor things which could also be mentioned.

      But having said that, I really love kde4 and the direction it is going. In fact, I've begun removing kde3 apps one by one. I'm only keeping some around for safety reasons, in case I need to boot into kde3 to fix something.

      I would love for kde4 bugs to disappear more quickly and features to be added daily...but the truth is, the developers are making huge amounts of progress in a short time span, and they will continue to do so for months and months and years and years. In other words, it's constantly improving (and already surpassing kde3 in little ways here and there).

      I think some people like more of a "finished" product, like kde3. And others like to live through the growing stages of a new product. Similarly, some are quick to adopt Hardy and experience it's growing pains, while others are content to stick with Gutsy until things prove stable.


        Re: Anyone else hate KDE4?

        I can not deny that kde4 is far from finished but I love it. I love being part of the growth process and see no productivity problems with it compared to kde3.

        Much, much more is to come. Not just widget wise but also apps and more.

        But don't worry kde3 will be around for quite a while
        HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
        4 GB Ram
        Kubuntu 18.10


          Re: Anyone else hate KDE4?

          I have to agree with 67GTA. I really don't like where KDE is heading with version 4 either.

          Most of all I think it is a very bad strategy to try to copy something else (Vista in this case), especially when what you make doesn't look/work as good as the thing you are trying to copy.

          I love KDE3 because it only has some resemblance with Windows, but in effect is more user friendly and looks better. I would have liked it better if KDE would have chosen its own course instead of trying copy Vista. To be honest, it really ticks me off, because of all things, it's a really bad copy. It really looks awefull.

          Already I thought MS had lost it with its menu design of Vista, since it's about the most user-unfriendly I've ever seen, and now KDE is trying to copy it.
          What happened to the iron rule: if it isn't broken, don't fix it!?

          I, like 67GTA, also don't know where to go after KDE3.5. Maybe I'll get used to KDE4 in the end, but for now I'll stick with 3.5. I refuse to switch to Gnome because I fundamentally disagree with the philosophy behind it. I want flexibility in my system, not limitations that drive me up the wall.

          Anyway, I encourage improvements and for sure changes for the better, but I don't really see those in KDE4 (yet) personally.



            Re: Anyone else hate KDE4?

            Guys. for one:
            kde4 is by no means a copy of vista!

            It is not even comparble to vista.

            It is a completely different front/backend way of not only designing. but also programming a desktop and everything that is supposed to run/work on it.

            I would suggest you go into google or search this forum and find out what exactly you are talking about before you talk about it.

            Kde4.02 is far from finished.
            It took kde3.5 the better part of 3 years to become what it is now.

            Kde3.0 was slow, cumbersum and unusable to most.

            kde4 is only 3 months old.

            You don't like it. Good.
            KDE3 isn't going to disappear any time soon.

            We not in a windows world and that is the glory of this world.
            You want to hate something?
            Hate something worth hating.
            Nothing comes to mind but I am sure you will find something more worthy of such a strong sentiment.

            until the enjoy
            HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
            4 GB Ram
            Kubuntu 18.10


              Re: Anyone else hate KDE4?

              Maybe their saying they dont like KDE4 because like Windows its Bloated, resource
              hungry and too much crappy eye candy. Windows Vista is a lot of eye candy, and needs loads of resources just to run. KDE4 is maybe trying to keep the eye candy brigade interested / happy.
              And unfortunately I think that Linux has always been great because its great looking already, and does its job a hell of a lot better / faster than windows with less resources.

              The Pentium 2's I have running at 700 mhz that are running Kubuntu 7.04 and are going like S%$T off a stick. KDE 4 should have had a lot more already in place before releasing as-is. And too many people (Linus also I belive) who said they are going to wait for 4.1 etc and not even bother with the current version. So what does that say about KDE4. You expect teething problems but this is beyond it !!

              KDE 4 & Ubuntu's 6 months release cycles are (to me) getting to the point where they are being rushed out for some dumb reason which is beyond me. I installed Ubuntu 7.10 two months after it came out, and I had 196 updates after a standard install. I then went back to 7.04 which has been out for what ? 8 Months ? And I only had something like just over 200 updates. Thats 20(ish) more updates than 7.10. So can Ubuntu (shuttleworth) please explain why 7.10 had more updates than a windows SP1 and was a month before ?

              Debian has the right attitude, its released when their happy. Plus if you want all the eye candy, then install it yourself afterwards.Dostros should concentrate on making a secure, fast, reliable distro, IE 7.04 could be used as the base, and then all other new releases taken from 7.04. Stuff the eye candy crap, leave that to the boys who cant even use a terminal AT ALL !!!!! If ya wanna have a tarty looking distro, fine, have one. Just dont make everyone suffer.

              Anyway, if you have read this far, then all I can say is "Thanks for reading my opinion, even if you think Im talking rubbish."


                Re: Anyone else hate KDE4?

                Originally posted by Fintan

                Hate something worth hating.
                Yep, I'm with Fintan. There's nothing about a computer that is worthy of such passion, IMHO.

                I also don't understand all the heat and passion about incremental increases in resource consumption, which comes with additional performance features in new OS versions. Hard drive space is $0.22 per Gigabyte and memory is $30.00 per Gigabyte -- computing resources have never been cheaper or more plentiful. And I'm supposed to get excited about a half-Gigabyte of additional anything? I don't think so .....


                  Re: Anyone else hate KDE4?

                  Maybe their saying they dont like KDE4 because like Windows its Bloated, resource
                  hungry and too much crappy eye candy
                  Can anybody confirm this?

                  I doubt it.

                  I have three versions of Kubuntu (GG, HH and kde4 beta) with HH and GG in both versions. kde4 and kde3.5.9.

                  All of my kde4 systems use 30%-40% less resources on my 6 year old PVI machine tha when running the same apps on kde3.

                  It comes with the nature qt4 and few other things that went along with the deleopement of kde4..

                  I am not going to do the research for you but before you guys give unqualified statements, i suggest you research a bit.

                  KDE never said that kde4 release was the last word. On the contrary.

                  All of this sounds like "daddy my new toy doen't work".
                  Get real and leave this space for some productive help!

                  Yes Debian is great. That is our grandfather

                  I have a mepis 7.0 system (debian etch).
                  It is stable and I would trust it as a server solution any day.

                  It took me twice the time to install, get my languages, mount my shares get skype working, etc. as with kubuntu.

                  so as a desktop? No thank you.

                  Cheers to all and I am leaving this senseless conversation.

                  Kde4.02 is far from finished.
                  It took kde3.5 the better part of 3 years to become what it is now.

                  Kde3.0 was slow, cumbersum and unusable to most.
                  I wonder how many of you were around when kde3.0 was released and had to suufe the transition?


                    Re: Anyone else hate KDE4?

                    Cheers to all and I am leaving this senseless conversation.
                    Ditto that and hello dible Long tome no see/hear

                    HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
                    4 GB Ram
                    Kubuntu 18.10


                      Re: Anyone else hate KDE4?

                      this forum topic doesn't make any sense
                      I hate april fool's day
                      ... seriously nobody is forcing you to use widgets in kde4.


                        Re: Anyone else hate KDE4?

                        I'm sure someone else does hate KDE4... I'm thinking of the people who designed Vista right now...

                        Thanks for giving KDE4 a try gnome is looking really good lately too, and there are some other desktops. I hope you enjoy one of them.



                          Re: Anyone else hate KDE4?

                          Originally posted by Bongo5HH

                          I'm sure someone else does hate KDE4... I'm thinking of the people who designed Vista right now...
                          Good one, Kev!

                          Now I'm taking Fred's advice, too.


                            Re: Anyone else hate KDE4?

                            Originally posted by dibl
                            Originally posted by Fintan

                            Hate something worth hating.
                            Yep, I'm with Fintan. There's nothing about a computer that is worthy of such passion, IMHO.

                            I also don't understand all the heat and passion about incremental increases in resource consumption, which comes with additional performance features in new OS versions. Hard drive space is $0.22 per Gigabyte and memory is $30.00 per Gigabyte -- computing resources have never been cheaper or more plentiful. And I'm supposed to get excited about a half-Gigabyte of additional anything? I don't think so .....
                            All I'll say is I agree with Fintan and Dibl. I've found where I needed to supplement and keep going. Productive as ever. I read an article that was posted on the Home page of this forum. It was from a KDE developer that joined at the start of 2.0 and must say he was correct that it along with 3.0 took a while to where those versions ended. This new OS is to handle newer technologies and needs. It will grow in needs it self to handle that. Any OS will to keep up. Now as far as EyE candy, I don't see to much of that yet, so I can't even consider saying it's to much. My piece, no more.


                              Re: Anyone else hate KDE4?

                              After some problems I have started using KDE 4. This discussion make me remember ...

                              Way back (Osbourne 1) - I didn't like CPM (Had done some programming on a TI 58)
                              Then I got my Sanyo MB - hated DOS
                              The first IBM with Win 2x - that was bad.
                              Win 3.0 - Hmmm, this may be is ...
                              GeOS - no.
                              WIN 3.3 - I like this.
                              WIN 95 - didn't like.
                              Win 98 - they are getting at it.
                              OS2 - wasted months on that (official minimum PC way too slow)
                              A lot of Linuxes - just a waste of time (official minimum PC way too slow)
                              Win2000 - this really is better
                              WinXP - "hated" the original until I discovered I could get the old menu type back.
                              Kubuntu - interesting, and getting better all the time.

                              The point is, as most of you will have seen at line 3 or so: It takes time to get accustomed to things. The good thing about KDE 4, even at this quite unfinished state, is that it seems more stable in handling resource demanding programs like KDEnlive and (I hope) Scribus.

