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Anyone else using KDE4 full time?

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    Re: Anyone else using KDE4 full time?

    Hi all, been tweakin lately?? I been up and running Hardy 8.04 Remixed with KDE4 for a week and I must say it is different from 3.5...... but where's the trash bin, drag and drop on the desktop and how do you sudo to get root to do superuser stuff?? It all worked so easy in 3.5. I like the look and feel of my new desktop, plasmoids have great potential but I already miss the little things that matter. There's nothing like a change to bring out the noobie in yah! My major beef is that there is no docs to explain how to do the little things you need to do, that I am aware of, but that's why I am here. To probe and interrogate the community.


      Re: Anyone else using KDE4 full time?

      Yep, "full time" meaning "all the time that I am booted into Kubuntu" -- I have a notebook that runs sidux, and at my day job the make me use Windows.

      KDE 4.1 Beta has only a couple of serious issues, for my purposes (other folks have other issues with it):

      - no Alt-F2, so you have open a Konsole and "kdesu Dolphin"

      - Dolphin and Konqueror crash when you right-click on white space in the file system, like when you plan to paste something. So you have to use "Edit>Paste", and not the right-click menu.

      That's it. Otherwise it works fine for me.


        Re: Anyone else using KDE4 full time?

        I've been using KDE4( with its initial glitches, crashes and reduced features) and now KDE4.1 (significantly improved - much slicker) for several weeks; I am generally very impressed as it now seems pretty stable. I had some initial problems with the new KDE4-PIM Kmail - now sorted and I think the new Kontact 1.2 interface is much improved. All the desktop effects seem to work well for me (Switcher, Grid etc + wobbly windows if you want). The beta Firefox 3 works well. Have not had any trouble with ALT-F2 or KDESU. It opens perfectly on my system (don't need the full filespec.), and remembers previous use in the drop-down list. VirtualBox runs perfectly with USB support.

        I'm using the kernel which seemed to set up my 64 bit system by itself.

        Don't have any problems with Dolphin or Konqueror crashes either when clicking on white space. I must be lucky! I think the KDE4 team are doing a terrific job. Haven't used the earlier desktop for several weeks; I am very pleased with the KDE4.1 desktop now and wouldn't go back.

        For comparison: my system is three years old but OK: Intel Pentium4 630, 3GHz, 64 Bit; 2048MB RAM; High End ASUS motherboard; 160GMSATA drive; 256MB Radeon 9600 PRO graphics card.


          Re: Anyone else using KDE4 full time?

          I've got KDE 4.04 on my Sony Vaio under Kubuntu 8.04. Things are a bit buggy.

          -Dolphin will crash from time to time.
          -Needs a package manager like Adept.
          -Fn+F3,F4,F5 don't work set sound volume and mute
          -Battery monitor needs work
          -KDE4 wallet doesn't work for KDE3 apps (should be backwards compatible in my opinion)
          -NVIDIA goes nuts on shutdown or restart...white screen black lines...fade from corners....weird
          -No Admin mode for KDM control panel
          -Samba control pannel crashes on attempting to run

          Besides that it's not bad. I need to reconfigure the touchpad so it's not so sensitive or remove the tap to click option.
          Kubuntu 7.04 -- Dual 3.2GHz Xenon, 6GB RAM, ASUS N6200TC256/TD/64M<br />Kubuntu 8.04 -- Sony Vaio VGN-S460,1.7 GHz Celeron, 512MB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce Go 6200 128MB


            Re: Anyone else using KDE4 full time?

            No, it is far too slow on my laptop. This might be a memory issue but since I cannot afford to add memory I'll stay with KDE3.



              Re: Anyone else using KDE4 full time?

              I've been using 4.0 since release of HH 8.04 and have moved that on through the releases of 4.1 beta to 4.1 RC 1. Use as Dibl mentioned there are a few things not quite right, but nothing that has prevented me from using all the time.


                Re: Anyone else using KDE4 full time?

                I just got a used Compaq Evo N610c laptop for my birthday (P4 mobile 2.0, 1GB ram, 32mb Ati video) and I decided to give Intepid a whirl, and am sticking with it. Performance is fine, some things seem a tad slower than in KDE3, but as I am comparing laptop to desktop I can't really say. The laptop is in no way sluggish, but as is usual in Ubuntu early alphas, performance increases as they get further along and lock things down, so some slowness is to be expected.

                There are much fewer bugs as those using Hardy are seeing in Konq and dolphin, and kwin effects are good unless you load up too many of them This is my first experience with ati graphics as well as my first modern Intel setup.

                kontact is very buggy, but the individual apps work just fine, so I run them that way insteaof using the Kontact 'wrapper'.

                So far in the week or so I am very happy with KDE4


                  Re: Anyone else using KDE4 full time?

                  I've been running Kubuntu 8.04 KDE4 Remix for about 2 weeks and I love it.
                  Took a day or so to get use to, only complaint I have is with the Trash Bin. It was a lot easier to get to and empty with 3.5. But, other than that...only minor things which I am sure will get better with more updates and releases.
                  &quot;Either you repeat the same conventional doctrines everybody is saying, or else you say something true, and it will sound like it&#39;s from Neptune.&quot; ~Noam Chomsky<br /><br />Gigabyte MB, AMD 64x2 6000, 2 Gigs Patriot DDR2, XFX GeForce 8600GT XXX, 400Gig WD SATA HDD &amp; 1TB WD SATA HDD.


                    Re: Anyone else using KDE4 full time?

                    I got tired of the niggling issues I had with KDE 4.1 on Hardy, so I installed Intrepid RC1 last night, which comes with KDE 4.1 only.

                    First impression -- it works, more or less, and requires still more adjustments by Mr. User. It's nice to have Alt-F2 working again, but "kdesu" and "kdesudo" are kind of erratic in their operation. No kooka. But gimp offers a sane module that works, so I can scan. FireFox 3 works great -- I got all the hard sites except playing videos already, even this one:


                    The worst problem I have with it is VMware Player doesn't have updated modules for the new kernel, so no VMware for the moment. That's the stuff that happens to "early adopters" -- I'm not complaining.

                    I noticed the CPU utilization going kind of crazy last night, with nothing special running. I forget which process was going at 100% of the CPU, but when I went to kill it, it wouldn't die! That told me that the OS is still a little incomplete, as the kill command should never fail, when issued by root.

                    Anyway, it's a functional system -- Dolphin and Konqueror work like they are supposed to, which is refreshing. There have been a lot of packages updated today -- I've run dist-upgrade three times and got three new loads of packages, so it's definitely a work in progress at this point.


                      Re: Anyone else using KDE4 full time?

                      I am finding Konqueror has many little features I used to find in Firefox, such as the right-click context menu to Google highlighted text., and bookmarks seem much better than in previous versions. I am using it as my primary browser at the moment and not missing much - yet . if you install the konqueror-plugins (in Intrepid) you get back the separate search bar and other plugins found in kde3x

                      as to scanning, kooka is not there anymore, but the new Skanlite is available, a somewhat lighter scan tool I rather like

                      Unfortunately I don't see ksirtet (tetris clone) anymore, looks to be replaced by kblocks. My wife loves ksirtet, and is rather fond of its looks, doesn't like any other tetris game even in windows


                        Re: Anyone else using KDE4 full time?

                        Originally posted by claydoh

                        My wife loves ksirtet, and is rather fond of its looks, doesn't like any other tetris game even in windows

                        1) thanks for the tip on skanlite -- I'm gonna give it a spin

                        2) did your wife try "same game" in Windows? I wouldn't call it a tetris clone, more like a lobotomy, but my wife loves it.


                          Re: Anyone else using KDE4 full time?

                          Just upgraded to full 4.1 release...two problems still are there and really may be related that this is HH KDE4 remix originally. Those being that 1) the start sound gets cut off before finishing when first logging in from cold boot. If yo log out and back in it works. 2) Alt-F2 still doesn't work with kdesudo without specifying the full path. Still testing. Thought those two at least would have been fixed.


                            Re: Anyone else using KDE4 full time?

                            Originally posted by dibl
                            2) did your wife try "same game" in Windows? I wouldn't call it a tetris clone, more like a lobotomy, but my wife loves it.
                            I found various tetris versions both for windows and linux, she absolutely dislikes all of them except for ksirtet. She kind of likes the sparse, clean, simple, non-eyecandy look to it. If she would take up kblocks, she should be able to get that for Windows eventually . She also likes Koffice over OOo or MS Office, actually wishes she still had her MS Works suite from circa 1998, if that gives you any idea of what her tastes in software run to

                            She hasn't used KDE4 yet.........
                            My main system is still dead, she hasn't given this laptop a try yet. I wonder what she will think of it, as I do have a moderate amount of kwin effects enabled.


                              Re: Anyone else using KDE4 full time?

                              If she's an 'old school purist' she will probably call in a Priest and have it exorcised!
                              Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                              Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                              "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                                Re: Anyone else using KDE4 full time?

                                [quote=mafitzpatrick ]
                                Exciting times.
                                Yep! I agree!

