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How cool is that?

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    How cool is that?

    At work tonight, I was making snarky comments about printer brands to a coworker*, and he started asking me questions about using Linux after I admitted that one of the reasons I liked hp is that they work so well with the Linux. His questions were kinda odd, and my answers fell flat because he was asking things very vague and I was caught flat footed. However, I did the smart thing and offered to burn him a live CD.

    I just burnt it, and wrote on it in purple sharpie. Purple because purple rocks, and Sharpie because Sharpies are pure awesomeness**. I did try to take a picture of the CD to show you the awesomeness of what I wrote on it, but due to a combination of poor lighting options given the shininess of the CD, and my inability to hold both camera and CD still at the same time, everything came out blurry and dark. However, it says: "Kubuntu 7.10/Gutsy Gibbon/need help?/" so we may see my coworker show up on the forums eventually. If he does show up, it should be interesting to see how long it takes him to figure out who I am.

    * I work at an office supply store. Because I'm paranoid, I won't tell you which one, but it's probably one of the first three you think of if you think of big office supply chains in the US.

    ** I truly believed this to be a fact even *before* I started working at the office supply store.

    Re: How cool is that?

    wrote on it in purple sharpie. Purple because purple rocks, and Sharpie because Sharpies are pure awesomeness*
    How could anyone say "No" to that. Good job. Might take one system at a time but we'll get there.


      Re: How cool is that?

      Originally posted by Death Kitten

      However, I did the smart thing and offered to burn him a live CD.

      I just burnt it, and wrote on it in purple sharpie. Purple because purple rocks, and Sharpie because Sharpies are pure awesomeness**.
      Nice one, DK!

      I hope he's duly impressed!


        Re: How cool is that?

        I feel like such a dork now. I went out of my way to burn the CD, write on it in super awesome purple sharpie, and then make a post bragging to the forum about my one person at a time recruitment method, then proceed to forget to bring the CD to work today when I was running out the door behind schedule due to not getting enough sleep on account of evil Daylight Saving Time. He's not working tomorrow, but I'll put the CD into my messenger bag tonight, so that I'll have it with me for when he's in next on Tuesday.

        Also on the subject of spreading the good word, I have also done previous good works. One of my (now former) managers lost his copy of M$ something or another that let him put together spread sheets, and was preventing him from putting together the chart that allowed us to see how we were doing in a particular program that the company wants us to be very active in, so I suggested he give Open Office a try. The report came back good, even though he wasn't with the company much longer after that (not sure what happened, haven't been able to get *anything* out of anyone as to what happened).

        Convincing people to use Firefox, Open Office and the like is a step in the right direction.

        In the name of encouraging discussion, anyone else want to share their recruitment efforts?


          Re: How cool is that?

          The people that have had me fix their m$ systems in the past are getting *nix installed. One fluxbuntu w/ edubuntu apps, and another buntu on the way - it's been about 6months since I last reinstalled xp for 'em.
          [img width=400 height=138][/img]

