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A Plug in for Firefox World Of Trust

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    A Plug in for Firefox World Of Trust

    WOT Name In Thawte Description.

    Hello All

    I did a Google search for Web Of Trust. I found Thwart Web of Trust and the WOT web site I visited them both and found them both interesting. I would like a Thwart Safe Site Logo for all my web sites.

    I found the information on your web site so useful I have put it on my Internet security 4 free web site first page.

    WOT community activity for 03/03/2008

    Known sites Number of sites
    Total 17,468,094
    New this month 374,916
    New this week 69,186

    Dangerous sites Number of sites % of total
    Total 840,305 4.8
    Trustworthiness 315,933 1.8
    Vendor reliability 366,858 2.1
    Privacy 666,748 3.8
    Child Safety 357,291 2.0

    Install Firefox plug in Web of Trust

    A Perkin Web Design
    Designer of IS4

    A WOT and Itrust user for three weeks.
    Network of two Dell Optiplex dual boot Pentium 4s, Linux user since 1999 Very Happy with Kubuntu and Mandriva. Three other native&nbsp; computers. Computers in my blood since 1975.<br /><br />A Perkin Web Design and computer hardware engineer

    Red Rating by WOT over the past few days surfing, aka Trojans

    Hello and Welcome

    A few days ago I visited a site that had a RED warning by WOT, I think my computer is well protected from Internet dangers and on this occasion I took the WOT rating with a pinch of salt. How wrong that day I was. When I reached the site I had been there just five seconds and I got a warning message for Kapersky Internet Security danger Trojan.

    I switched off my external modem within two seconds to break the Internet connection with the dangerous web site. Then I did a full anti virus sweep and found that there were four Trojans on my system from this one web site in just seven seconds.

    I do care about WOT ratings and would like to be able to raise RED warning sites to Amber or Green. I honestly think that Firefox with WOT and Itrust plug ins is the safest way to browse the Internet.

    A Perkin Web Design
    User of WOT and Itrust plug ins for Firefox browser
    Network of two Dell Optiplex dual boot Pentium 4s, Linux user since 1999 Very Happy with Kubuntu and Mandriva. Three other native&nbsp; computers. Computers in my blood since 1975.<br /><br />A Perkin Web Design and computer hardware engineer


      Re: A Plug in for Firefox World Of Trust

      NoScript 1.4 could not be installed because it is not compatible with Firefox 3.0b4.
      No pride here, I just need HELP!!!

