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POLL: Linspire's CNR for Kubuntu

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    POLL: Linspire's CNR for Kubuntu

    Hi all

    The Linspire folks are considering to offer a US$ 20 Click and Run (CNR) yearly service for K/U/Edu/Xubuntu. What do you guys and gals think ? You may vote in thes poll above.

    See here for more info and polls:

    Please let's keep the discussion friendly and civilized, along the KUbuntu Spirit

    No, but I would recommend it to newbie friends and family.
    Maybe, I would consider it.
    Yes, and I would recommend it to newbie friends and family.

    Re: POLL: Linspire's CNR for Kubuntu

    Voted no, but that doesn't mean I object the idea in general, just that I wouldn't use it. :P


      Re: POLL: Linspire's CNR for Kubuntu

      Originally posted by kubicle
      Voted no, but that doesn't mean I object the idea in general, just that I wouldn't use it. :P

      In the end, what really matters is to vote and give a reallistic feedback, so that the people making this decision are well informed. Me, I would gladly use it assuming it they will share the proceeds with the ubuntu organization.


        Re: POLL: Linspire's CNR for Kubuntu

        I wouldn't use it myself. I'm not entirely opposed to it mostly because it's a way to easily provide non-free stuff under *buntu.


          Re: POLL: Linspire's CNR for Kubuntu

          A huge, resounding "NO" from me on the basis of the Ubuntu Philosophy:

          "that software should be available free of charge, that software tools should be usable by people in their local language and despite any disabilities, and that people should have the freedom to customise and alter their software in whatever way they see fit.

          These freedoms make Ubuntu fundamentally different from traditional proprietary software: not only are the tools you need available free of charge, you have the right to modify your software until it works the way you want it to."


            Re: POLL: Linspire's CNR for Kubuntu

            No, but might recommend it to newbies. I personally have no need of propriety software/codecs. Or if I do, I can easily install them on my own. But newbies might have a different problem and might want this. That's why Automatix became so popular.

            IMHO, CNR will always be a Linspire thing and will/should never be an official part of Ubuntu. Just a 3rd-party project like Automatix.
            Jucato's Data Core


              Re: POLL: Linspire's CNR for Kubuntu

              No, I would definitely not use it. The trouble I had installing the non-free codecs was completely acceptable as it provided yet another welcomed Linux learning experience. I would suggest that newbies also not use it as they could also benefit from that same learning experience.

              Seriously, folks. If there is desire to learn Linux, anyone with an internet connection can do it.


                Re: POLL: Linspire's CNR for Kubuntu

                NO WAY! I bought a PC with Linspire on it. I could have used CNR if I wanted to then, but I ditched that distro all together for Kubuntu after two days! It was my plan all along. Anyway, Linspire should make CNR available to all distros and not single out our fave. Just because it is #1 is no reason to think that folks need training wheels.

                FREE is better. If anyone wants to pay $20 for something that is free, I want to talk to them! Maybe I could charge them for something that they already have. Besides, who needs a big ugly CNR button?


                  Re: POLL: Linspire's CNR for Kubuntu

                  I voted no, although as a believer in the rule of law, I suppose I should have voted differently.

                  I am particularly annoyed by the fact that mpeg is considered proprietary when it was actually developed by an international group of experts (called, curiously enough, the Motion Picture Experts Group), most of whom were donating their time. Had I been a member of the group, or an officer of a corporation who payed the salary of a member of the group, I'd feel ripped off.

