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Helping Hands?

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    Helping Hands?

    Hopefully no one is offended by this, but in regards to Linux in general, the more the better. With that said, I was wondering if I could get some feedback from those out there regarding my site located at

    I welcome any constructive comments as this is to help benefit Linux in any way I am able to help, John
    Slackware 12 - 32 bit on a ABIT Fatal1ty AA8XE Motherboard w/ Pentium 4 3.6 gHz HyperThreaded CPU (OC&#39;d to 4.4 gHz) and 1066 mHz FSB, 4 GB US Modular Low Density DDR2 ram, eVGA Nvidia e-GeForce 6200 LE 512mb PCI-e x16 GFX video. Plays World of Warcraft great!<br /><br />Only Linux @ home since 1996

    Re: Helping Hands?


    I am a web designer and I found your web site interesting.

    In your mission statement you are repetitive, an information portal for etc.

    Suggested Novice

    Which distro's are geared toward new Linux users? Here are a few to try :

    * Ubuntu Linux
    * Mandriva Linux
    * PClinuxOS Linux

    This is bang on I fully agree with these distros choices.

    Could you visit my website and give me feed back?


    Network of two Dell Optiplex dual boot Pentium 4s, Linux user since 1999 Very Happy with Kubuntu and Mandriva. Three other native&nbsp; computers. Computers in my blood since 1975.<br /><br />A Perkin Web Design and computer hardware engineer


      Re: Helping Hands?

      Sorry for the delay in my response, as I haven't been on the Kubuntu Forums for a little while.

      You site is very through and has a lot of information which more people should be aware of concerning computers and the internet. The layout gives the true appearance of an official capacity, which draws people's interests and desire to learn more.

      I did have a couple cells within your site which were overlapped due to font sizes and placement. Some letter case was improper, too. Within your donation page, the link for the "Hidden Page" does retain a navigation bar if opened within a tab on Firefox.

      All links and information contained within the site was very accurate as well as valuable. I recommend your site to everyone, as there are little known and / or overlooked information within that is a value to personal computer users everywhere.

      Slackware 12 - 32 bit on a ABIT Fatal1ty AA8XE Motherboard w/ Pentium 4 3.6 gHz HyperThreaded CPU (OC&#39;d to 4.4 gHz) and 1066 mHz FSB, 4 GB US Modular Low Density DDR2 ram, eVGA Nvidia e-GeForce 6200 LE 512mb PCI-e x16 GFX video. Plays World of Warcraft great!<br /><br />Only Linux @ home since 1996


        Re: Helping Hands?

        Originally posted by john14424
        Hopefully no one is offended by this, but in regards to Linux in general, the more the better. With that said, I was wondering if I could get some feedback from those out there regarding my site located at

        I welcome any constructive comments as this is to help benefit Linux in any way I am able to help, John
        I think it's a good site. I am a linux newbie, been fooling around with Kubuntu and Puppy since around January. I thought it was good to have suggestions for each level of user. Lol, also liked the blog about MS asta la Vista. You're not the first I've heard make those comments about restrictions being added in. Thanks to linux I don't even have winoze on my personal computer now, still on the kids' and on my wife's laptop but I'm working on it!
        No pride here, I just need HELP!!!

