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Is Microsoft selling Linux?

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    Is Microsoft selling Linux?

    Hi guys,

    I recently read an article in a computer magazine which says that Microsoft signed a contract with Renault ( French car - maker) for updating and maintaining SUSE Linux - Microsoft will sell 1000 licences of SUSE Enterprise Linux server system to Renault and will help Renault at integrating opensource solutions with Windows. A part of the contract is a special clause in which Microsoft states that they will not sue customers buying this license for the alleged abuse of their patents ( Microsoft states that at least 27 of their registered patents are in use by the opensource community). The author of the article concludes, that if the dispute between the two parties ( Microsoft and Opensource) was taken to court, there is no way of knowing which of the two would win.

    So, can Microsoft sue me for using Kubuntu?
    And why can't they just stick to their own OS?

    I break it, therefore I learn it.<br />

    Re: Is Microsoft selling Linux?

    Because they have an agreement with Novell that states that they have to sell so may copies of SuSE.


      Re: Is Microsoft selling Linux?

      Originally posted by Linuxgirl

      So, can Microsoft sue me for using Kubuntu?
      If they do, my dad's a lawyer. <>


        Re: Is Microsoft selling Linux?

        Originally posted by Linuxgirl

        So, can Microsoft sue me for using Kubuntu?
        And why can't they just stick to their own OS?
        Can they? I suppose anyone can sue anyone else for anything if they want. Sometimes they even win (hot coffee in lap lady, for example).

        Will they? Why would they bother with you? They haven't started on any of us yet.

        Why can't they stick to their own OS? I truly believe that Mac and Linux really have them worried and they, like GWBush, like to rattle the sabre.

        So use Kubuntu, or any Linux distro that takes your fancy. Enjoy. And most of all, don't worry about Redmond.

        Just my 2c.
        I wish I was the man my dog thinks I am.<br /><br />Registered Linux User No. 402825


          Re: Is Microsoft selling Linux?

          Originally posted by Linuxgirl
          So, can Microsoft sue me for using Kubuntu?
          Microsoft have claimed that linux infringes on some patents they hold. However they refuse to say which ones and the general consensus seems to be its all just hot air and that if there was one then the linux kernel could just be modified slightly to get around it. Unfortunately though its impossible to be sure as no-one can look at the windows source code to check for possible violations. As for if they ever did actually sue they would be highly unlikely to bother with individual end users, more likely just major corporate users.

          Originally posted by Linuxgirl
          And why can't they just stick to their own OS?
          Have you tried linux?

          How could anyone just stick to windows after that? You & I can't so why should they? Seriously though, they have recognised that some people want linux for certain things and don't want them to completely avoid windows because of that so they have begun offering these mixtures with SuSE (as mfburgo mentions Microsoft & Novell have a cross licensing deal for just these sorts of purposes).


            Re: Is Microsoft selling Linux?

            True, true

            I break it, therefore I learn it.<br />


              Re: Is Microsoft selling Linux?

              This whole MS screaming patent infringement stuff seems like a big joke to me. If they are so sure that patents have been violated, they would be able to say which ones. This came to the table several months ago, so why hasn't anything new come out lately?

              I don't care how you look at it, MS's windows days are numbered, and Macs are just too expensive for most people. The obvious replacement is Linux. Question is, when will the linux community come together and bring all the best from different distros into one solid distro that will take over the OS world?

              The thing I like most about Linux is the price. Why pay 3 to 4 hundred for a fancy MS OS, when you can get the same functionality for free. That saved money will buy a lot of gas, and we all know that gas isn't getting any cheaper.

