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    Re: Windoze

    Originally posted by Monster_user
    I actually like Vista. It does what I need it to. It has a nice interface. Useful interface enhancements. whether or not it is Apple's "Spotlight" does not matter. The fact is, that it is a good addition. That DRM stuff sucks.

    I voted Windows 2000. the Windows installation I fell in love with... I'm sorry, but Windows XP is atrocious. No amount of theming that I have done, has covered the ghastly cartoonish appearance of XP.

    Originally posted by Fintan
    Besides the slitting wrist option for forgot windoze 3.11 the first and only stable product from redmond
    Windows 3.11, Stable!!! I am rolling on the floor laughing...

    It was more stable than Windows 95 (horror!), but I wouldn't call it stable,... then again, most of my Windows nightmares involve Windows 95.
    95 wasn't terrible. Now, Windows 98, First Edition.... That, alongside ME, is an abomination.

    I know from personal experience.


      Re: Windoze

      chose Windoze xp since I still have a dual boot box with it on about 20gigs, and I also have to use it at work.
      &quot;Either you repeat the same conventional doctrines everybody is saying, or else you say something true, and it will sound like it&#39;s from Neptune.&quot; ~Noam Chomsky<br /><br />Gigabyte MB, AMD 64x2 6000, 2 Gigs Patriot DDR2, XFX GeForce 8600GT XXX, 400Gig WD SATA HDD &amp; 1TB WD SATA HDD.


        Re: Windoze

        Originally posted by c2006
        95 wasn't terrible. Now, Windows 98, First Edition.... That, alongside ME, is an abomination.

        I know from personal experience.
        Well, I will concede that 98 First Edition was worse than 95.

        However, given a proper system, Windows Me was not an abomination. It actually ran quite well, and was more stable than my brother's Win98 SE systems. If you ignored the CD-ROM drive blue screen...

        I'm not going to defend WinMe much, but I did enjoy using it for a while.
        The answers are out there...


          Re: Windoze

          Originally posted by Detonate
          Windows 3.11! Yes it was pretty good, once you learned how to edit pif and ini files, and got your dial-up modem to work by resolving IRQ conflicts manually, and manually configured your winsock settings.
          Haha oh gods I know! Although for me that was my Win95 experience in a nutshell (I was in grade 5 I think and the computer store we bought our Pentium 100mHz box from didn't know how to get things to work, just to re-install and leave the old young little me had to learn how to manually resolve IRQ conflicts and the rest, by the end of which my future as a computer geek was set in stone!)

          I put down Win98 because it's easy enough to burn a CD in there, and recently a friend of mine needed me to get some data off of an old 386's which point I discovered it was compressed with DoubleSpace, which is intensely evil and woe be he who has to get data out of a DoubleSpace-compressed drive without a DOS-based version of Windows, of which 98SE is the best/least-deadly. So 98 for those arcane closed-source DOS-based things and then burning off the results (and a Linux distro for sanity!)

          ....but as far as Windows ME goes. I had heard tales of people stripping down ME to make it work as the perfect retro (Windows/DOS) gaming OS since it's running on top of DOS but has the modern-ish NT networking stack to play with, the main modification being that one would replace the infernal memory manager with an open source stand-in so that it wouldn't, you know, leak to 100% useage and crash. But does anyone know what this replacement would be? I could never find out what people had been referring to.


            Re: Windoze

            Originally posted by Monster_user
            ...However, given a proper system, Windows Me was not an abomination. It actually ran quite well, and was more stable than my brother's Win98 SE systems. If you ignored the CD-ROM drive blue screen...

            I'm not going to defend WinMe much, but I did enjoy using it for a while.
            My wife's Thinkpad still runs Millennium Edition flawlessly after all these years...


              Re: Windoze

              I use XP home I got it OEM on my computer....
              And today I really customized it...
              I added
              MS virtual desktop manager...
              Flip view
              3D Cube
              I don't know why so many of Linux users openly hate Windows. I personally don't love it but I don't hate it.
              And as you can see you can make your Windows look like Linux...
              I frankly can't wait when plasma gets ported and supported on win XP as well.
              Then I really will have to wait and think why am I using Linux
              I&#39;m magnet for errors, problems and bugs...


                Re: Windoze

                I love XP it dose every thing one needs in the way of computing, and no one can tell me other ways no one.

                As a desktop support tech I spend all day fixing XP, and getting it to play nice with the hundreds of apps needed by my company. I am also board to death by XP, I need a challenge to keep my interested, and XP dose not do that any more for me, well not so much any more.

                So when I get home I want to pick up my laptop and do what I need to do with out fixing up dating or just messing around, that is one reason I moved to linux. Another big reason it cost. As a tech I get my hands on allot of free computers and have a good collection of them. With all of my boxes I was using lots of well unpaid software and want to go legit. To go legit using windows would break me$$$$. I was on a free ware kick for some time and was happy till I gave in to the dark side of Linux and my life has been much better for it.

                I am sure this is some one elsess story but I felt I should put my name on it.

                I am going to run Linux at home till it dose not work any more, and then some.

                Noel Vh
                ++Noel Vh++<br />Desktop support Lv II, III<br />Large Pharma company<br />New Jersey USA


                  Re: Windoze

                  I've never really had a major problem with ANY windows operating system that I've used (98SE,2000,XP,Vista). My favorite, however, was windows 98SE. It was to use, in my opinion. I found it easy to use, and I could pretty much do anything on it. I put it on one of my old computers...and it boots in 15 seconds, and shuts down in 6! (...although it's not hooked up to the internet; the computer only has 64MB RAM). There are some days that I long to go back to Windows 98SE...but in the end, I'd be happier with Kubuntu!
                  Sony Vaio VGN NR260E<br />Linux Kubuntu 9.04\Windoze 7 Professional<br /><br />Sony Vaio VPCF1190X<br />Linux Kubuntu 10.04/Windoze 7 Home Premium<br /><br />Linux user #478627


                    Re: Windoze

                    Originally posted by divide0
                    I've never really had a major problem with ANY windows operating system that I've used (98SE,2000,XP,Vista). My favorite, however, was windows 98SE. It was to use, in my opinion. I found it easy to use, and I could pretty much do anything on it. I put it on one of my old computers...and it boots in 15 seconds, and shuts down in 6! (...although it's not hooked up to the internet; the computer only has 64MB RAM). There are some days that I long to go back to Windows 98SE...but in the end, I'd be happier with Kubuntu!
                    Similar, i think 98SE is just THE BEST Version of Window$ to date. No hassle from me. Ever. But thien I Formatted the then-massive 6gb hard drive and but xubuntu on it. Suckers.


                      Re: Windoze

                      winblows XP.. has the best looking blue screen.


                        Re: Windoze

                        98SE is the version of Windows I had when I first tried Linux. Didn't take me that long to switch for everything except games. Back then I didn't have the internet.
                        I am running Ubuntu 8.10 (yes Gnome) with upgrades applied daily about 0900 UK time. Hardware is Dell Precision 420, 2x 800 MHz PIII, 512 MB RDRAM, nVidia GeForce 6800 128 MB AGP graphics, 18GB SCSI and 500GB IDE HDDs, DVD burner, Hauppage TV card.


                          Re: Windoze

                          i had to chose XP since i still use it to run world of warcraft.

                          couldnt get wow to run with ku and wine
                          Still lerning linux after all these years<br />Kubuntu 9.04<br />

