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Is it a crime using ubuntu????

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    Is it a crime using ubuntu????

    Is it a crime using Ubuntu?
    This is the one every ubuntu user must know.

    Hey heres a good article which tells u the mistakes commited by ubuntu. They are some what running out of FSF rules.

    first read this

    and for more info read this

    plzzz do comment

    Re: Is it a crime using ubuntu?

    Those articles are painful to read. I wanted to gouge my eyes out...

    As for crime... what are you talking about? Are you talking literally, as in they've broken some trade agreement/copyright/patent/etc.? Or are you talking figuratively, as in it's a crime against the open source model?

    I couldn't glean a single "crime" from the article you posted. I did see a mention that Ubuntu contains some non-free software, but that's true of every device on the planet. You couldn't have MP3, movie, DVD, or most multimedia experiences without non-free software!
    However, it should be noted, that any non-free software included in the operating system must be properly licensed(and is, otherwise Ubuntu/et al would be sued into oblivion). After that, if a user installs illegal or pirated software, that's there problem, not Ubuntu.


      Re: Is it a crime using ubuntu?

      From what I can tell, and it isn't easy, the first article says pretty much "ubuntu has separate repositories for the non-free stuff". They're a necessary evil for many and if you don't like them, don't use them. I pretty much agree with this, if I'm reading it right.

      The blog article is, more or less, unrealistic hyperbole run through a gibberish filter. I think the article might have some good points, but it's hard to tell since it was apparently written by a chimp.


        Re: Is it a crime using ubuntu?

        I cannot understand treating a computer or the software that runs on it like a religion!

        If you read the licenses of non-free software, all it really says is you acknowledge the ownership of the author or owner, and you agree not to abuse it by trying to sell or reverse-engineer his package as if it were your property. So what's so bad about that?

        The FSF and Gnu/Linux objectives, and the GPL are a very nice, virtuous alternative approach to providing valuable software, and I support their efforts and respect their license as well. But it's not a religion -- I don't pray to them, and I don't curse for-profit software development with non-free licenses.

        I disliked some of the restrictions $Mickeysoft put on their OS, like how many hard drives I'm allowed, and how many hardware changes I can make without their permission. So, I found another OS that doesn't impose those restrictions. Now I'm happy.

        And I'm pretty sure I'm not breaking any laws or violating any licenses that I agreed to accept.


          OT: Re: Is it a crime using ubuntu?

          This is in this forum (Kubuntu 7.10 Software!) an OT and pretty pointless discussion.
          There are many reasons to use Linux and Kubuntu, mine is my personal observation that it works better than the mainstream OS's.
          At the same time I like something to tinker with.

          I am all for open source and free software but I'm also for working solutions.
          This means I'm willing to run a non-free plug in, module, driver or application when it get's the job done.
          It does not mean I'm willing to use illegal software, for example the Linux nVidia drivers are perfectly legal to use for null payment.

          Other non free items might only be non free in jurisdictions where Software Patents are upheld, most of the world does not recognise Software Patents and is therefore free to use these items quite legally.

          It is all but impossible to run a computer on 100% open en free software, just think of the BIOS , the firmware in the hard disks or even in the CPU.
          I have no problem with using these parts, after all I paid for the right.

          So srikar stop using strong words like crime when you don't know what you're talking about.


            Re: Is it a crime using ubuntu?

            I just read those articles cited, and have no idea what the issue is!


              Re: Is it a crime using ubuntu?

              Originally posted by MatthewSchenker
              I just read those articles cited, and have no idea what the issue is!
              Same here.


                Re: Is it a crime using ubuntu?

                I do not see any problem. Ubuntu company has the right to put non-free software in their OS. I really do not mind. The reason why I am using Linux (Kubuntu) is because I am tire of Msoft licenses and I think they abuse their power. Even if ubuntu try to use all proprietary drivers, I would not mind, the freedom of open source will eventually caught up. I do not see any crime in that, the only thing I see is some people trying to compete in the OS market.
                You can get me Using Threema: B6WSCFVY


                  Re: Is it a crime using ubuntu?

                  Originally posted by dibl
                  I cannot understand treating a computer or the software that runs on it like a religion!

                  errr.... I mean ya neither can I.

                  The blog article is, more or less, unrealistic hyperbole run through a gibberish filter.
                  Harsh! lol.. but I suspected as much by the title of the thread. I'm glad I decided to read the funny comments before checking out the rediculous article.



                    Re: Is it a crime using ubuntu?

                    I disliked some of the restrictions $Mickeysoft put on their OS, like how many hard drives I'm allowed, and how many hardware changes I can make without their permission. So, I found another OS that doesn't impose those restrictions. Now I'm happy.
                    I agree to the fullest on that!


                      Re: Is it a crime using ubuntu?

                      Firstly, while ubuntu itself does include some non-foss software (or at least facilitate its use) there is also gobuntu, an official spinoff that sticks strictly to foss. So all that winging about there not being an option for those wanting completely foss distros is rubbish (there are also many other such distros out there).

                      Secondly, there are many different types of foss supporters, there are those like most of us here who like foss and want to use it but who will use the proprietary solution when there is no real easy alternative (eg. flash). Personally I'd love to use a 100% foss OS, but there are still a few corners of the computing universe where doing so does impose some serious limitations on you (I keep my music collection in flac, but still need the mp3 codecs installed for occasions when friends send me something). Those who are hardcore enough to want to stick to strictly foss only regardless of the difficulties/limitations are more than welcome to do so and should be encouraged as they will hopefully thereby continue to push the boundaries (one can now use java, and graphics cards are getting close. All of that couldn't be done a few years ago). Actually there are even some foss bios implemetations that are getting close to addressing even this area (link).

                      Personally though my preference for foss simply because I think it makes for better software.

                      A good article recently on a related topic: A Field Guide to Free Software Supporters

                      and just out of interest what country is .lk?


                        Re: Is it a crime using ubuntu?

                        Moved to a more appropriate forum, this is completely OT for a Gutsy software support forum


                          Re: Is it a crime using ubuntu?

                          It's not a crime using Widows, why would using Ubuntu be a crime? Free as in beer software is mostly intended to be used freely, just not modified. While I rather (and mostly) use FOSS, doing otherwise can't possibly be considered a crime.

                          Originally posted by marshallbanana
                          and just out of interest what country is .lk?
                          Sri Lanka. (Wiki)
                          The Nomad's Land - some Linux humor too


                            Re: Is it a crime using ubuntu?

                            I bet there is a much higher percentage of Windows users who have their HDDs full of illegally obtained software. And anyway, what is a crime? If I'm walking down the street and I drop a curse word, that's a crime. Is anything going to happen to me? Almost definitely not, it would be a waste of everyones' time. Just like it would be a waste of time for authorities to leaf through individual Linux users' systems looking for an unlicensed library to prosecute them for.
                            If you ask me the real criminals are companies like M$ who distribute dodgy OSs for extortionate prices full of sneaky little tricks that make you pay for everything possible.


                              Re: Is it a crime using ubuntu?

                              Originally posted by powerpleb
                              If you ask me the real criminals are companies like M$ who distribute dodgy OSs for extortionate prices full of sneaky little tricks that make you pay for everything possible.
                              Criminals are murderers, thieves and the like. A company selling its own licensed software isn't a criminal.
                              Everyone has the right to distribute his own software for any price he wants. Nobody has to buy Windows. You can choose whether you want to pay for them or not. The OS being dodgy and overall bad is a drawback, not a crime.
                              The Nomad's Land - some Linux humor too

