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Who's already sick of hearing about KDE4?

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    Who's already sick of hearing about KDE4?


    - KDE4 dug a hole in my back yard...
    - KDE4 made my toaster stop working...
    - I'm a knob and can't even get a basic system configured, but I am trying to run KDE4 on my only computer that I use to do my home work, run my business, and store the only copy of the esparanto translation of the dead sea scrolls...

    Never have some many cared so much about so little. More power to you all. I will just wait until it is in the repositories or a release, or never... I try to trawl the forum looking for questions I might be able to answer, but it seems that 50% or more of the posts are about KDE4. Oh well, just felt like rantin. Have a good day.

    Re: Who's already sick of hearing about KDE4?

    What took you so long to post this.
    Agree. Amen.

    No, WAIT, there's MORE...!!!
    There would be the obvious to add:
    If one feels unsure, or is new at it, or is experimenting, with KDE or any other,
    whip out GParted, whip up a 5 GB partition, whip out your Kubuntu CD installer,
    install an experimental instance,
    and play until you get it the way you expect yourself to get it.

    Now then, Amen.
    An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski

