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Kubuntu: Not ready for prime time.

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    Kubuntu: Not ready for prime time.

    Kubuntu looks promising, don't get me wrong. But as a promoter of Linux to Windows users, I find that Kubuntu has a long way to go yet to compete with the likes of MEPIS and other KDE-specialized Linux versions (even with Dapper previews available to examine) . It looks as if Ubuntu is getting all of the attention from the developers, regardless of the fact that the average Linux uses prefers KDE over GNOME. The update system feature in Ubuntu is great, but that's about the only nice thing to say about it's GNOME oriented design. Simply put, GNOME is boring, regardless of the potential licensing motivations to use it over KDE.

    The folks over at MEPIS are discussing the possibilities of re-coring their work to use Ubuntu source, rather than the DCC (Debian Common Core) directly, to take advantage of Ubuntu's development cycle and user base potential. Should this happen, I think alot of good things could happen for people interested in Kubuntu. Otherwise, I don't see alot of people switching to Kubuntu any time soon. It's simply got too far to go when it comes to providing a working KDE desktop which has good integration with media drivers and such.

    We'll be watching..but we'll stick to MEPIS for now.

    Re: Kubuntu: Not ready for prime time.

    So let me get this straight. In your oppinion Kubuntu isn't ready for prime time because you prefer the MEPIS distribution, because you believe that Ubuntu (another distribution) has more developers working on it and because you find GNOME boring.

    You didn't thought this post through, did you?

    P.S.: I see that your first post on the kubuntu forums is a poor attempt at trolling. Not a good way to start out, is it?


      Re: Kubuntu: Not ready for prime time.

      Thank God this wasn't another one of those "Why can't it be 'easy' like Windows?" threads.

      I have to say that for ex-Windows power users, Mepis is a far better first distribution to start with. I was a fairly typical ex-Windows power user, and I would define one loosely as such:

      1. Feels comfortable with Windows--knows how to tweak things, maintain a system securely, edit a few things in the registry.
      2. Tends to install the latest software. The minute Firefox 1.5 came out, downloaded the setup.exe and installed it right away. May, in fact, have installed it before the official release date.
      3. Likes point-and-click. Remembers the command-line as some throwback to the old MS-DOS days.
      4. Doesn't understand that installing an operating system from scratch is difficult--even if it's Windows.

      For someone like that, Mepis is excellent. So is PCLinuxOS. They're both live and installer CDs in one. They're entirely point-and-click, and they do (out of the box) what a lot of these ex-Windows power users expect: the partitions are ready for mounting at the click of a mouse, GUI partitioning, multimedia support (even if it's proprietary). To someone who fits the profile above (which is a lot of new Linux users), that's what matters... at first.

      After a while, though, if your experience is anything like mine, you don't care about those things as much. Ubuntu/ Kubuntu is an excellent second distribution for new users. It's clean (not cluttered) and bare, but not too bare (think Linux from Scratch). Most importantly, it's got a lot of good support. That's the main reason I left Mepis. Mepis Lovers may love patting each other on the back about "Hey, your desktop looks great," but when it comes to semi-difficult questions like "How do you get rid of that ugly pyramid splash screen during bootup?" they're stumped.

      The Ubuntu Forums have a wealth of knowledge and responses within minutes, if not hours. These Kubuntu Forums are slowly catching up, too. I think there's no one Linux distribution that will win everything. Linspire is after schools and retail sales of preloaded computers. Xandros is also after schools and the enterprise. SuSE is enterprise. Ubuntu is for just being free.

      For the absolute newbie, I will never recommend Ubuntu unless I can install it for her. Mepis is a good starting place. For the semi-newbie who says, "Yeah, Mepis is okay, but I want something a little different," Kubuntu/ Ubuntu's where it's at.
      Linux is ready for the desktop--but whose desktop?<br />How to install software in Kubuntu


        Re: Kubuntu: Not ready for prime time.

        Originally posted by GreatBunzinni
        So let me get this straight. In your oppinion Kubuntu isn't ready for prime time because you prefer the MEPIS distribution, because you believe that Ubuntu (another distribution) has more developers working on it and because you find GNOME boring.

        You didn't thought this post through, did you?

        P.S.: I see that your first post on the kubuntu forums is a poor attempt at trolling. Not a good way to start out, is it?

        1. Kubuntu = Ubuntu with KDE loosely applied. Not like it's a completely different distro.

        2. Yes, it's my personal opinion that GNOME is boring. Suck it up.

        3. "You didn't thought this post through, did you?" should be "You didn't THINK this post through, did you?", which is obviously what YOU didn't do.

        AND 'P.S. ' to yourself...asshat.

        My point is that if Kubuntu is supposed to be a replacement for Windows or other Linux distros, it's got a real uphill struggle. It's nowhere near ready, no matter how you try to defend it.


          Re: Kubuntu: Not ready for prime time.

          I think it really depends on what you consider "prime time"--that's a vague term.

          It was ready to be a Windows/other Linux distros replacement for me for months at a time (I constantly bounce around among Ubuntu, Kubuntu, and Xubuntu... right now I'm on XFCE). I would say the only things Kubuntu has going for it right now are a clean interface (not a lot of clutter on the desktop or menus) and vicarious support via Ubuntu Forums.

          It doesn't seem to have some of the advantages the Gnome Ubuntu carries right now: free shipping of CDs and extensive documentation that would be KDE-centric (some of the Ubuntu-specific documentation can be applied to Kubuntu, too, but not all). That may change soon, though.

          In the end, once a distro's installed and configured, the only differences between distro A with KDE and distro B with KDE is the packaging / updates system and the community support.
          Linux is ready for the desktop--but whose desktop?<br />How to install software in Kubuntu


            Re: Kubuntu: Not ready for prime time.

            Originally posted by BuddaMagoo

            1. Kubuntu = Ubuntu with KDE loosely applied. Not like it's a completely different distro.

            2. Yes, it's my personal opinion that GNOME is boring. Suck it up.

            3. "You didn't thought this post through, did you?" should be "You didn't THINK this post through, did you?", which is obviously what YOU didn't do.

            AND 'P.S. ' to yourself...asshat.

            My point is that if Kubuntu is supposed to be a replacement for Windows or other Linux distros, it's got a real uphill struggle. It's nowhere near ready, no matter how you try to defend it.
            First of all, stating that "kubuntu is ubuntu with KDE loosely applied" is, to say the least, knowing nothing about the nature of the Kubuntu project and it's relation (pass and present) with the Ubuntu project.

            Second, your opinion about GNOME is, frankly, irrelevant. It is particularly laughable having in mind that you tried to use it as a basis for flaming Kubuntu.

            Third, launching personal attacks based on grammar mistakes is a pathetic way to troll and to desperatlely avoid the issues being discussed, specially when directing your attacks at someone whose native tongue isn't english.

            Forth, "replacing windows" isn't the objective of the linux kernel team or of any linux distribution team, for that matter. I suggest that you inform yourself of what are the objectives of those who participate, contribute and use any distro, based on linux or on other kernel.

            P.S.: Until this day the user BuddaMagoo only sent two posts to the kubuntu forum, being them two jab attempts at kubuntu. Clearly the BuddaMagoo account was registered to troll the forums. I recommend that everyone stops feeding the troll. At least that's what I'm going to do.


              Re: Kubuntu: Not ready for prime time.

              Well as a n00b to Linux I have tried a fair few distros to see what I prefer & after a long winded & heafty downloads later I have finally come to a stop with Kubuntu.

              Xandros, Mempis, Ubuntu, Fedora, Mandriva, Lindows (Linspire), Suse, Debian 3.1 to name but a few of the ones I have tried but Kubuntu felt the best in my case & being a all out windows user on 4 PCs at home it takes a lot to get over the in grained habits I have picked up since my first roads into the world of PCs when I built my first machine (P90 Machine running Dos & Windows 3.1).

              In my first 10 minutes of having the machine up & running I had installed a firewall (Firestarter), bittorrent client (Ktorrent) got IRC working & installed Frozen Bubble. This for me was a feat in its self as I had hell of a time with other distributions just working out where anything was.


                Re: Kubuntu: Not ready for prime time.

                Originally posted by BuddaMagoo
                My point is that if Kubuntu is supposed to be a replacement for Windows or other Linux distros, it's got a real uphill struggle. It's nowhere near ready, no matter how you try to defend it.
                No linux distribution is a replacement for Windows - Linux is an alternative. If you want to spin things around, Windows is a poor replacement for Linux.

                See what I mean? People really need to stop thinking of linux as a replacement for anything - Windows. OSX whatever. It simply a different way to do things. You either like it or you don't.


                  Re: Kubuntu: Not ready for prime time.

                  personally i think Kubuntu is ready for the desktop
                  i havent had many problems with flight 4/5
                  except for some broken modules

                  its really easy to use

                  when i use windows,sometimes i type kdesu or sudo :P


                    Re: Kubuntu: Not ready for prime time.

                    Having used SuSE (one of the best KDE based distro’s out there) I find little wrong with Kubuntu, pretty much everything is there (apart from YaST, SaX2 etc which are pretty much SuSE only). There is nothing that I can do on SuSE that I can’t do with Kubuntu. The main difference between the 2 is the number of packages that you get with a default install, here is where the SuSE 5 disc install wins but it is very easy to get everything that you need in Kubuntu using Automatix and with less packages that you don’t need (SuSE shoves in some things that aren’t needed). I liken things to SuSE merely because that distro for many is ready for the desktop so for my mind Kubuntu is ready also.
                    KDE 3.5 RC1 and Dapper Drake....waiting for it to implode


                      Re: Kubuntu: Not ready for prime time.

                      I came over to Kubuntu from SuSE and find it extremely preferable; the lack of YaST is made up for by kcontrol, IMO, though I did miss having SaX around while I was setting up...

                      While I was a SuSE user, it was very much the second OS on my computer. Now I've truly made the switch from Windows.


                        Re: Kubuntu: Not ready for prime time.

                        My first dip into the linux pool was Ubuntu5.4 thought it was a great distro with limitaions. I then i went with   Vector,SuSe,Mandriva,and fedora 5 and stayed with this OS for longer than the others before i decided to give Kubuntu 6,6 a whirl, this in my opinion is the easiest linux version and its extremely stable. I will be staying with this distro until they release the next version.Cheers Dave


                          Re: Kubuntu: Not ready for prime time.

                          I have tried many distros myself like SimplyMepis, Linspire(my first linux experience)
                          MandrivaOne, and now Kubuntu. I have to say for some reason i keep coming back to Kubuntu for some reason or another. Its easy to use, easy to configure and looks damn good. So saying that its not ready for prime time is like shooting yourself in the foot for no reason at all IMHO I plan to stay with Kubuntu til the end and will love doing so. LONG LIVE KUBUNTU


                            Re: Kubuntu: Not ready for prime time.

                            As a Windoze convert, I would say yes, Kubuntu IS ready for prime time. For semi-competent users, it's very easy to configure, fast to install, and fairly bug free. Much less frustrating than windows, and seems to run far more efficiently. I've not had any experience with other distros bar Ubuntu (I found gnome a bit sterile). For everyday computer use (read-non gaming), I can't imagine needing to use windows again.


                              Re: Kubuntu: Not ready for prime time.

                              First off i hope no one thinks ill of this coming comment. (Not that they should). But just to make my self clear, I love KDE and i love Kubuntu in about 9/10 more then i like Ubuntu and about 10x more then any other Linux distro i have tried. However there is one thing that made me switch to Ubuntu. it wasn't better aps because i love KDE aps, yes i know KDE aps can run in GNOME and vis versa but thats a diff story. It wasn't the GUI because i too agree that both GNOME is boring looking and at the same time not important to whether or not Kubuntu is a good disto ready for prime time. No all in all i will most likely switch back to Kubuntu i don't even post at the Ubuntu forums just here. The only truth is that i tried Ubuntu out for the sake of it and found that it runs a lot faster on my computer. maybe its because i am still a newbie. Maybe Kubuntu needs more tweaking then GNOME i don't know but i will say thanks to Kubuntu and the people here i have learned more about Linux in 2 weeks then i have the entire i have used Linux. Just to be fair however maybe all the little bits i picked up and stuff i didn't even relize any more had set me up just perfectly for you guys. well i hope i didn't go to far off topic. Kubuntu is my favorite distro, even though im not currently running it.

