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HD space a problem? How's a terabyte HD for your laptop sound?

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    Re: HD space a problem? How's a terabyte HD for your laptop sound?

    My dad started out his computer journey with cp/m:
    CP/M is an operating system originally created for Intel 8080/85 based microcomputers by Gary Kildall of Digital Research, Inc. Initially confined to single tasking on 8-bit processors and no more than 64 kilobytes of memory, later versions of CP/M added multi-user variations, and were migrated to 16-bit processors.
    Hard to believe, but 'back in the day' 64K of RAM was considered a lot! Oh the days of the 8080 processor!
    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


      Re: HD space a problem? How's a terabyte HD for your laptop sound?

      The 8080 must be before me. The oldest I can remember is the 8088. So guess y'all are old


        Re: HD space a problem? How's a terabyte HD for your laptop sound?

        My first PC was an 8Mhz Leading Edge with 128Mb of RAM. Don't remember the size of the HD, but it wasn't huge by any stretch of the imagination. I did dBase III and some BASIC programming on it, printing out the code on a blazingly slow 9-pin dot matrix printer.
        Windows no longer obstructs my view.
        Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
        "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


          Re: HD space a problem? How's a terabyte HD for your laptop sound?

          you wanna feel old -
          try the Sinclair ZX80 that was our First "PC"
          Then we upgraded to the Sinclair ZX Spectrum - 16K,
          Later upgraded the 48K Chip


            Re: HD space a problem? How's a terabyte HD for your laptop sound?

            Huh! Yeah, I remember when the OPTIONAL 128K 5.25" floppy disk drive became available for my Commodore 64 -- what a wise investment that was!


              Re: HD space a problem? How's a terabyte HD for your laptop sound?

              Originally posted by dibl
              Huh! Yeah, I remember when the OPTIONAL 128K 5.25" floppy disk drive became available for my Commodore 64 -- what a wise investment that was!
              The Dataset wasn't that bad, but yes the 5.25" drive was great!


                Re: HD space a problem? How's a terabyte HD for your laptop sound?

                All you youngsters. My, My. My first computer was a TRS-80. No disk drives. We used cassete tapes for storage. My first computer with a disk drive was an Apple IIc.


                  Re: HD space a problem? How's a terabyte HD for your laptop sound?

                  Originally posted by Detonate
                  All you youngsters. My, My. My first computer was a TRS-80. No disk drives. We used cassete tapes for storage. My first computer with a disk drive was an Apple IIc.
                  OK, now I'll reveal my REAL age:

                  I once wrote a program for a computer science class in college. It was in COBOL, on 80-column punch cards, submitted to the sysadmin, and ran on an IBM-360, with printout (and returned card deck) available the next day. Now, THOSE were the good ole days ...


                  But I did learn something invaluable -- I have very little aptitude for programming.


                    Re: HD space a problem? How's a terabyte HD for your laptop sound?

                    Originally posted by dibl

                    OK, now I'll reveal my REAL age:

                    I once wrote a program for a computer science class in college. It was in COBOL, on 80-column punch cards, submitted to the sysadmin, and ran on an IBM-360, with printout (and returned card deck) available the next day. Now, THOSE were the good ole days ...


                    But I did learn something invaluable -- I have very little aptitude for programming.
                    Did you actually have to pull the card in the card sorter and hook up the jumper wires to get the cards sorted the way you wanted? I did. That was in 1968.

                    And yes, I learned the same thing you did.


                      Re: HD space a problem? How's a terabyte HD for your laptop sound?

                      I missed out on the punch cards. I might have had a different attitude towards programing as well if I had to deal with those. I loved my dataset (tapes). Now they have those new fancy thumb drives!


                        Re: HD space a problem? How's a terabyte HD for your laptop sound?

                        Originally posted by Detonate

                        Did you actually have to pull the card in the card sorter and hook up the jumper wires to get the cards sorted the way you wanted? I did.
                        I do remember the card sorter, but I don't remember any jumper wires on it. You got a 3-year head start on me, Detonate -- I was finishing high school in 1968, and didn't hit the CS 101 course until I was a sophomore or junior in college.

                        I also remember, in the '71 - '72 timeframe, how excited my mechanical engineer roommate got when the engineering school acquired something really high tech, called a "Wang Computer". I had to make him repeat it three times before I could figure out what he was saying.


                          Re: HD space a problem? How's a terabyte HD for your laptop sound?

                          My first computer was made by Texas Insterments and had no hard drive in it i think it had only 32kb of ram and these disks there are no like 8"x8" and they very boldly say on them holds 512 BYTES
                          now about 20 years later......

                          i have about 1.5 TB worth of data. and growing. i don't even have a computer w/ less then 368 MB of ram (need special ram for that mac) and i have video cards that have not only higher clock speeds then some of my older machines but they have more RAM too...

                          heres to the good old days w/ a monocrome green on black screen and swaping a dozen floppys to run a program like the a text editor
                          Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
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                            Re: HD space a problem? How's a terabyte HD for your laptop sound?

                            Originally posted by Snowhog
                            Yup, the mere thought of such a vast amount of storage space boggles the mind! If one even came close to filling it up, how (and to where) would you back it up?!
                            Magnetic tape?

                            And besides, when buying a mac pro, you can fit up to 4 4TB hard drives in. It'll cost you a fair bit, mind.


                              Re: HD space a problem? How's a terabyte HD for your laptop sound?

                              not really a TB hd (sataII) is about 100 dollars on tigerdirect, i can fit 4 of them in my computer and still have open another 6 channels of IDE
                              Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
                              (top of thread: thread tools)


                                Re: HD space a problem? How's a terabyte HD for your laptop sound?

                                Originally posted by dibl

                                I do remember the card sorter, but I don't remember any jumper wires on it.
                                Check this out.


