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Hello All

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    Hello All

    I didn't locate a 'Introduce Yourself' thread (didn't dig real deep though) but wanted to say hello. Have been wading through the forums for a few days since I installed kubuntu-desktop on my ubuntu laptop. I have a couple years experience with Linux distros, SuSE, knoppix, PCLOS which I spent the longest time with, a few weeks with ubuntu and lastnight installed kubuntu (7.04) over my ubuntu installation. Just seem to prefer KDE over Gnome and didn't really care for the 2 DE's on the same laptop. Too many GTK programs in my menu making it look all mucky.

    Regardless, have found everything to work perfectly and my Dell D600 laptop works perfectly out of the box. Wireless works and my video card works fine.

    Anyhow, thanks for the forums and helpful information!
    Kubuntu Gutsy 7.10 Beta

    Re: Hello All

    welcome to this site too, sorry there does not seem to have a welcome new members thread but if you find someone belittling kubuntu then you can just add your introduction there as most people do
    every day is a gift


      Re: Hello All

      Great -- Welcome!

      Please take whatever opportunities present themselves to help the new users -- the requests for assistance tend to swamp the Forum, at times.


        Re: Hello All

        fleamailman, dibl:

        Thanks for the welcome. I will help out where I can (with my limited knowledge). I noticed you guys seem to be well on top of most questions though!
        Kubuntu Gutsy 7.10 Beta


          Re: Hello All

          Welcome to the table, grab a beer or whatever and make yourself comfy
          HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
          4 GB Ram
          Kubuntu 18.10


            Re: Hello All

            Thanks Fintan. It's 9:30 am here. Having a coffee and working (on my winxp work pc since I haven't shown enough proof that I can use Linux here....).

            But tonight, I shall grab a beer and enjoy it!
            Kubuntu Gutsy 7.10 Beta


              Re: Hello All


              Welcome to the forum.
              Are you a dual booter with Windows XP and Kubuntu?

              Network of two Dell Optiplex dual boot Pentium 4s, Linux user since 1999 Very Happy with Kubuntu and Mandriva. Three other native&nbsp; computers. Computers in my blood since 1975.<br /><br />A Perkin Web Design and computer hardware engineer


                Re: Hello All

                Originally posted by Antkin

                Welcome to the forum.
                Are you a dual booter with Windows XP and Kubuntu?

                Antkin, how about a 2 month old response

                No, not dual booting with Windows. Actually I currently have Ubuntu 8.04, Kubuntu 8.04, Debian Unstable, Fedora 9 (Gnome), Foresight 2 QA. All on this poor, abused, hard drive.
                Kubuntu Gutsy 7.10 Beta


                  Re: Hello All

                  Originally posted by Perpetual
                  No, not dual booting with Windows. Actually I currently have Ubuntu 8.04, Kubuntu 8.04, Debian Unstable, Fedora 9 (Gnome), Foresight 2 QA. All on this poor, abused, hard drive.
                  Just curious, are you still running Kubuntu on your Dell D600? I am interested in a laptop, and I want to make sure whatever I end up having will have a compatible wireless network card for Kubuntu.

                  Registered Linux User: #281828 | Kubuntu User: #22280

                  Kubuntu 18.04 LTS
                  Dell Precision Workstation T5500 (Xeon @ 2.13GHz x 2 / 12 GB RAM)


                    Re: Hello All

                    Most of the Wireless Cards out there in Out-of-box laptops are supported, but every now and then you might have to use a restricted driver, but that's not to often. I've installed Kubuntu 6.06, 7.10, and 8.04 on over 20+ laptops, and only had 1 that needed to have a restricted driver because the owner had made it himself.
                    The early bird might get the worm, but it&#39;s the second mouse who always gets the cheese.

