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Don't knock linux till you've tried it!!

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    Don't knock linux till you've tried it!!

    Hello all,

    There was a time in my life when i was in darkness and was blinded but one day i found the light...

    A while ago (about a year or 2) i stumbled onto Slax while looking for a way to bypass my high-school's web filter. I decided to try it and was re-born into the world of linux. I became a fan and used it (still do) on my usb memory stick at school. A friend mentioned Ubuntu last year and i thought it sounded pretty good but didn't take notice at the time. As time passed i found Kubuntu and liked the look but didn't download it.....(By the way Ubuntu looked good to me but i prefer KDE as thats what i use in Slax and don't want to change from what i like.)

    Many months passed and a 'friend' at the church i attend was preparing to leave and said i could have his old pc, on the condition i wiped the hard-disc.(He didn't give me a logon for the pc but i got in anyway and was glad to wipe the drive,but i'll not say why.) So a few weeks later i got my pc from him. It was fairly decent about a Gig of RAM,AMD (don't know what one),CD-Writer and 100 Gig hard drive. Not bad for a free pc eh? Anyway i decided to install linux, i had been wanting to for a while now but didn't want to risk damaging my dad's pc by partioning his HD. Anyways i downloaded Kubuntu -i was going to get the DVD version but decided to take the CD as it would take ages with my connection- and installed it with ease.(I was considering Slackware but decided to leave it as it looked to confusing.)

    After installation it rebooted with no problems at all. So far never crashed (except when i installed a new DVD that was incompatible but didnt realise at the time,by incompatible i mean it needed Pentium 3 or better but i have AMD) or any problems (know-on-wood),though sometimes my USBs can be a pain to eject but that my fault.

    Internet wasn't too difficult to connect i followed a tutorial i found and it worked (not right away though because i made a few mistakes...)ok. Thing i LOVE about Kubuntu is no longer worrying about viruses/spyware and the fact i don't need a firewall. (Though thats as i don't do anything to need it i just do surfing,IM,music etc... basics).

    The only thing i miss is DVD Shrink (i'm not much of a gamer on pcs anyways) but i'm looking into K9Copy and Shrink under Wine. My family and friends are becoming linux fans (to the point where they don't shout 'witch witch' when see an non-windows desktop)and one of my friends has been hacked 3 times under windows if hes hacked again he's gonna try linux (hopefully Kubuntu).

    If you haven't tried Kubuntu and are thinking about it at least download and try the live cd,what have you got to lose, i think you'll like it...i got my pc a few weeks back and am already having trouble using windows at school. Since the switch-over i haven't looked back.


    Last night my friend who'd been hacked and mentioned above called and asked me to come over to install Kubuntu. (He hasn't been hacked again just Windows was acting up and he wanted a change.) After the install i showed him the basics he's got a lot to learn but i think once he gets used to the differences he'll be glad he swapped.