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-=|From the desk of|=-
«•´`•.(*•.¸(`•.¸ ¸.•´)¸.•*).•´`•»
«•´`•.(¸.•´(¸.•* *•.¸)`•.¸).•´`•» Reg. Linux User # 400637
Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Mandriva, OpenSuSE. As well, matched to Debian, MEPIS, PCLinuxOS, Knoppix, Fedora and Gentoo. I have only ever used Xandros (for a week) and then Ubuntu/Kubuntu. It would appear that Linux and I are suited. Now if I could only get a similar result on that dating website..........
I came to Kubuntu from Fedora Core 4. I'm finding Kubuntu is a better distro for KDE. Prior to that it was SUSE for me. I like the kanotix Live CD and also DSL. Strangely (for one who can't quite get comfortable with Gnome) I like Beatrix. Its like the OS for people who don't care about the OS
analyticalman, you've used DSL? How was it? I installed it on an Intell 166...and when I enabled apt, and tried to apt-get something, I was always thrown with dependancy errors. It was a real pain in the ass. MyDSL is cool, but has very limited apps... and apt-get is useless...
<br /><br />*temp. hiatus from forums due to comp + net broken* :'(
aah you got me. I've only used it as a live CD. When my computer crashed and burned, all I had was my work laptop. Couldn't install anything - not much RAM - so DSL live CD booted with the "toram" command gave me a very nice Linux laptop which I modded with the MyDSL system. Just one question - was it DSL 2.0?
Kubuntu, Ubuntu and Debian for me.
I actually tried Phat Linux (remember? The linux that runs on Windows first , then used Mandrake for a year or so, the Debian for a few months, then Kubuntu for the past year and a half or so.
I got Ubuntu, SuSE, Kubuntu and Mandriva. I started with Ubuntu (though I've used Red Hat and Fedora before on my web server, I used cpanel and whm so didn't learn anything ) and downloaded the Kubuntu desktop as I was fed up with the brown gnome, and wanted to try KDE. I'm glad I did- I find it much easier to use.