Re: what is the kudos thingy
Death Kitten:
I get what you mean. For some people, shame and public opinion is a powerful deterrent. But I'm just wondering about 2 things:
1. Whether the majority of our users know enough about the kudos system to make it a powerful deterrent. I mean, if less than half even know about it, I wouldn't think it's being efficient.
2. Whether it's good to rely on shame and popularity to temper those tempers. There might be more effective ways. For one, we do have forum rules, something you explicitly or implicitly agree to when you sign up. But from what I understand, the primary purpose of the kudos system was to give thanks/praise to job well done and give credit to helpful people.
But like I said, if it's beneficial for some, I don't have issues with it being there. Unfortunately, it seems that it's a bloating feature. Maybe we could think up of a better feature or way to do these things. Looking forward to a good discussion in the future.
Death Kitten:
I get what you mean. For some people, shame and public opinion is a powerful deterrent. But I'm just wondering about 2 things:
1. Whether the majority of our users know enough about the kudos system to make it a powerful deterrent. I mean, if less than half even know about it, I wouldn't think it's being efficient.
2. Whether it's good to rely on shame and popularity to temper those tempers. There might be more effective ways. For one, we do have forum rules, something you explicitly or implicitly agree to when you sign up. But from what I understand, the primary purpose of the kudos system was to give thanks/praise to job well done and give credit to helpful people.
But like I said, if it's beneficial for some, I don't have issues with it being there. Unfortunately, it seems that it's a bloating feature. Maybe we could think up of a better feature or way to do these things. Looking forward to a good discussion in the future.
