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Mac, Pc or Linux

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    Mac, Pc or Linux

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    Mr Newzealand
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    Re: Mac, Pc or Linux

    Mac/ Linux

    I'd still use a Mac, if the only one I liked wasn't almost $3000.

    I can't stand the iMac's form factor and the mini (while neat is underpowered).

    So I built my own PC to run Kubuntu, since I had it on my eMac and was familiar. Windows is on a partition but I don't do anything really serious on there except for watching movies sometimes and Photoshop.


      Re: Mac, Pc or Linux

      linux, all that remains

      meaning by that, that the other systems don't exist in the long run because the computer outlasts them and they become unsupported and thus unworkable, windows 3.1 until the vista of today is repeated example of this(I don't know about mac, could never afford one) so if one buys a licence for a computer for a finite term determined by microsoft one hasn't really bought anything other than a restbite form doing the eventual thing, yes, installing linux on that computer, for example who would dare run their computer on 3.1 these days, where would one get answers, etc

      ah but someone might say that linux doesn't exist either because the distro might fade out in the long run, and that might be true but there always seems to be other distros that work with old computers, so between the two I would say that my first statement here is probably the truer than my latter
      every day is a gift


        Re: Mac, Pc or Linux

        for example who would dare run their computer on 3.1 these days, where would one get answers, etc
        lol you're in for a surprise...

        There's quite a few other places online that still deal with 3.1, plus:

        Symantec supported their DOS and Windows 3.x based anti-virus software up to May 15, 2003.
        Back to the main question: "Mac, Pc or Linux"? Hmmm shouldn't it have been Mac, Win or Linux? Anyway, I use Mac & Pc(Win/Linux) with a view to freeing myself from Windows totally as time goes by.

        Mac & Linux do it for me, software that works rather than defective by design.
        "As long as they're going to steal software, we want them to steal ours." - Bill Gates on the Chinese.


          Re: Mac, Pc or Linux

          I myself, having used Windoze PCs for YEARS, covet the Mac Powerbook PC. Pricey unfortunately, which has kept me from buying one. So, I stick with PCs (laptops - haven't had a desktop in years) that are reputable (I'm running FF on a Toshiba Satellite P105-S6147) and affordable. I will spend more to get quality as apposed to less just to save $$, as I am a believer in (when possible) 'buy once.' How hasn't heard the phrase "This is an excellent [insert item] - I've owned x of them in the last y years!" Where x is disproportionate to y!!!
          Windows no longer obstructs my view.
          Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
          "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


            Re: Mac, Pc or Linux

            Well, today is my last day with Windows, after 15 years, and tomorrow starts the Linux era. I decided for a "jump in the cold water" approach because I believe it to be better. The time is good for it, I currently don't have any gaming addictions (on Windows) and my employer's application that I need to be able to run/support works almost flawlessly in Wine. I have wanted to do that for at least five years and even had a FreeBSD/Debian box running for some time (until the machine bit the dust). Reasons? Many. Some practical (I'm mostly a user, but also like to be able to dive into my system and take control -- I grew up with computers before they had GUIs), some philosophical. I like "community", and community-driven solutions.

            Concerns? Sure, I have them. Giving up 15 years of experience with an OS family is not easily done and I worry about jobs I might have in five or ten years that might require current Windows knowledge. But Windows has always felt limiting to me (I started with an Amstrad CPC running under CP/M), the commercial aspect never sat well with me, and Microsoft's ambitions just scare me. I also worry about an exciting game coming out that I "must" play, but can't. But hey, I'm closer to 40 now than to 30, so I have a little self-discipline. (And never enough time to play anyway -- way behind the console titles I want to play.) Dual-booting would be good, but like I said, I don't believe you can get experienced in something that you don't work with regularly.

            So anyway, Linux is going to by my OS future for quite some time. No hard feelings towards Windows, just no longer satisfied with what it offers to me.


              Re: Mac, Pc or Linux

              By "PC", are you trying to say Windows? Because if so, say Windows. "PC" I take to refer to the type of hardware. If you DO mean the hardware then most of your options make no sense.

              Myself: Linux (solely) on PC
              I am running Ubuntu 8.10 (yes Gnome) with upgrades applied daily about 0900 UK time. Hardware is Dell Precision 420, 2x 800 MHz PIII, 512 MB RDRAM, nVidia GeForce 6800 128 MB AGP graphics, 18GB SCSI and 500GB IDE HDDs, DVD burner, Hauppage TV card.


                Re: Mac, Pc or Linux

                I've always used a Mac. I had a brief stint with a Toshiba running WIN 98 but dumped it when I bought my current machine, a Powerbook. I run OS X Tiger as the main OS in my house (we have three other Macs) because it is still the easiest, most polished OS out. My technically challenged wife can do web, email, photos and most anything else on a safe solid platform. Forced to use WIN XP at work, I typically do everything on the Powerbook, then transfer files to the office WIN box.

                Being somewhat of a nonconformist, I decided that I liked the concept of open-source, which I first learned about from Mac users. The more I read, the more I liked so I recently installed Kubuntu on a partition of the Tibook, just as an experiment. So far, I like buntu, but things are not as simple as on OS X. Guess I have lots to learn.

                A major consideration for me is the desire for an upgrade. I want a desktop machine that can work with video and do some other intensive work, but I can't afford the MacPro. I agree that the Mac Mini is too underpowered and I hate that the iMac locks you into a hardware set the way a laptop does. I'd rather be able to build my own box which means I need to run Linux. Once I've determined that I can do most everything I need with Linux on my TiBook, I'll build it. Windows isn't an option for me. For now, I have to vote Mac with a little Linux, but I hope to shift that more towards Linux in the future.
                They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security deserve neither liberty or security -- Benjamin Franklin<br /><br />Titanium Powerbook 867 768MB 60GB<br />Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger 40 GB<br />kubuntu 7.10 &quot;Gusty Gibbon&quot; noob 20 GB


                  Re: Mac, Pc or Linux

                  The new Macs are PC, apple is the new M$:

                  I would say PC with Linux
                  then windows, then mac
                  My Local Repository<br />Forums I am active on<br />Please help me with this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                    Re: Mac, Pc or Linux

                    To tell you the truth, though Microsoft has a bad name I would have a PC/Linux box over a Mac/Linux box any day. I am a gamer therefore, I support MS for one thing... GAMES!

                    I've been on a Mac and was no more impressed then I was for PC.


                      Re: Mac, Pc or Linux

                      And I just noticed the guys icon above me was Easy-E... Awesome.


                        Re: Mac, Pc or Linux


                        By PC do you mean Windows? I am a dual booter with Windows XP and Linux

                        Network of two Dell Optiplex dual boot Pentium 4s, Linux user since 1999 Very Happy with Kubuntu and Mandriva. Three other native&nbsp; computers. Computers in my blood since 1975.<br /><br />A Perkin Web Design and computer hardware engineer


                          Re: Mac, Pc or Linux

                          A good way to start with my first post on here i think!

                          I've been using Linux for a while now (Since the release of 6.06), its kind of been a on/off love affair really! I recently (well in Nov) purchased a Dell laptop to use in work, mainly as the networked computers are nothing short of appalling! So at work i use my laptop using XP Pro, and at home i use my PC solely on Linux.

                          I cant say i am a massive fan of Microsoft, nor agree with their long term aims, but i have a lot of expensive creative/design software for windows OS, and moving solely over to Linux would render it mostly useless... Yes i could use Wine, but i think more learning is required first.

                          I have tried most distro's, and settled for Kubuntu, mainly as i prefer KDE over Gnome.

                          Custom PC (Solely) Kubuntu 7.10 32bit<br />AMD Sempron 64 3000, 1GB DDR, RAD 9200Pro GFX<br />Dell Vostro 1500 laptop running XP Pro - I know, i know! <br />Intel T7300, 4GB DDR, 8600M GT 256mb GFX


                            Re: Mac, Pc or Linux

                            ......but i have a lot of expensive creative/design software for windows OS, and moving solely over to Linux would render it mostly useless... Yes i could use Wine, but i think more learning is required first.
                            So do I and use vmware for that. I hear virtualbox is pretty sexy as well:



                            HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
                            4 GB Ram
                            Kubuntu 18.10


                              Re: Mac, Pc or Linux

                              Originally posted by lee.mcintyre
                              A good way to start with my first post on here i think!

                              I've been using Linux for a while now (Since the release of 6.06), its kind of been a on/off love affair really! I recently (well in Nov) purchased a Dell laptop to use in work, mainly as the networked computers are nothing short of appalling! So at work i use my laptop using XP Pro, and at home i use my PC solely on Linux.

                              I cant say i am a massive fan of Microsoft, nor agree with their long term aims, but i have a lot of expensive creative/design software for windows OS, and moving solely over to Linux would render it mostly useless... Yes i could use Wine, but i think more learning is required first.

                              I have tried most distro's, and settled for Kubuntu, mainly as i prefer KDE over Gnome.

                              Yes I prefer KDE over Gnome, used KDE with Mandriva for 3 Years. I have Kubuntu on one computer a dual boot with windows XP
                              All my other computers have Ubuntu with KDE desktops, it take a download of about 150 file to do this.

                              Network of two Dell Optiplex dual boot Pentium 4s, Linux user since 1999 Very Happy with Kubuntu and Mandriva. Three other native&nbsp; computers. Computers in my blood since 1975.<br /><br />A Perkin Web Design and computer hardware engineer

