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Linux FUD

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    Linux FUD

    I'm pretty sure anyone who knows very much about computers has become aware of the FUD phenomenon (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt). This is what keeps people from trying new things on their computers, and from even finding out how their computers work (much less learning how to fix them).

    The worst of this was a fellow I talked to recently who was aggravated about having to switch back and forth between windows to copy the text from one to the other. I said, "Why don't you just copy and paste?" Annoyed, he replied, "Yes, I suppose I could do that, but I don't know how."

    Most aggravating was an experience I had recently at a non-profit I volunteer at. We're getting a new network setup and some new hardware, and the director was planning to buy Windows XP. I suggested that we get Ubuntu instead. 99% of the jobs done on the computers are very low-end office work, easily handled on Linux. We've already got Ubuntu on one of the computers, and it works really well.

    First, I'm informed by the director that nobody else knows how to use Linux, most people don't want to use the Linux computer, and she doesn't even know how to access the Internet on Linux! ( click on the Firefox icon, just like in Windows??)
    Oddly, it does seem like people stay away from the Ubuntu computer. Is it intimidating because it looks different? Because the programs are unfamiliar?

    Then, one of the other computer tech guys goes off on a rant about how much Linux sucks. I had argued that Ubuntu gets upgraded every 6 months, unlike XP, which was last upgraded in 2004. He said that makes XP "stable", and Ubuntu's constant upgrades mean it has "zero stability." He was really bent out of shape about Ubuntu's wireless not working for such a long time, too.

    The funny thing was that he was backing up his argument by saying he was experienced in Linux after using it for years. So, apparently it's a really terrible OS that the average user cannot and should not try to use, yet he's used it for years. RIGHT. Even more funny, this isn't the first time I've heard this argument. It all reminds me of those indie-rock kids who don't want people to listen to their favorite bands, because then they might become popular, and then they wouldn't be cool anymore! It seems to me like some people see Linux as a "challenge" that only uber-geeks like themselves can surmount. If your grandma can use Linux, then your ability to use Linux no longer makes you the leet geek!

    Sorry, I just wanted to vent all of my frustrations about stupid people for a bit.
    Any ideas on how to get around FUD and get more people to try Ubuntu?

    Re: Linux FUD

    Yes: getting more integrators, like Dell, to sell their PCs with Linux pre-installed.
    If a regular user EVER had to install Windows on a non-partitioned disk, having the trouble just like Linux users have when they get a disk with Windows there, they would tell me what is difficult. Think about having to use a diskette to install a system with a SATA HD! God...
    Buut we are safe here.


      Re: Linux FUD

      One also has to realize, that any manufacturer selling PCs, has an inherent obligation to provide support for that PC during their stated warranty period. That means any manufacturer who chooses to sell their PCs with Linux as the pre-installed OS has to be ready to provide customer support for it. That in itself is a road block to the expansion of the Linux user base 'via mainstream retail sales' of new PC systems.
      Windows no longer obstructs my view.
      Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
      "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


        Re: Linux FUD

        I'm actually quite amazed that Dell decided to offer Linux at all -- from a business perspective I don't see how it can possibly make sense. They're going to have to provide support to those customers, and 99 out of 100 applicants for support jobs are going to have no clue about anything but Microsoft, so where is their support staff coming from?

        But I'm glad they took the plunge, and I hope they don't come to regret it!


          Re: Linux FUD

          Originally posted by dibl
          I'm actually quite amazed that Dell decided to offer Linux at all -- from a business perspective I don't see how it can possibly make sense. They're going to have to provide support to those customers, and 99 out of 100 applicants for support jobs are going to have no clue about anything but Microsoft, so where is their support staff coming from?

          But I'm glad they took the plunge, and I hope they don't come to regret it!
          This statement implies that you believe that Dell and other companies actually seek employees who have knowledge in the area they need it. Companies like that instead like to get uneducated people who will happily follow a little book with "If symptom a is present, turn to page 5, if symptom b is present, turn to page 10, if both symptom a and b are present, turn to page 12" type trouble shooting. They'll hire a couple people who know the stuff, put them in charge of the department, and make them churn out books for the minimum wage phone jockeys to follow and then let the knowledgeable only handle the cases that escalate above the multiple levels of phone jockeys.


            Re: Linux FUD

            Originally posted by dibl
            have no clue about anything but Microsoft
            So what? As I've learned from the Dell video someone posted a link to (somewhere in this forum), the executives (?) of this company don't have a clue about Linux and Open Source either ...


              Re: Linux FUD

              No I think dell is likely to make a packet out of the "repair by telephone" charges

              various ideas, not well thought out and nothing serious:
              - new linux users are more likely to blame themselves than their system(observation taken from new windows users)
              - new linux users are on an adventure so they want to be lost
              - new linux users may wish to be seen using their computer more than actually using their computer(taken from Geneva as in ferrari goes to the shopping mall)
              - new linux users are casting a no vote to microsoft
              - new linux users will worry why the computer hasn't got malware
              - new linux users will be bored having no malware
              - new linux users to demand a linux genuine advantage
              - new linux users will post question on windows malware removal boards

              OK, only joking about myself as I too am a new linux user, who isn't new then, but then suddenly it makes sense and the jokes no longer fit, what remains is probably respect but more likely a thirst to know how it works, thanks
              every day is a gift


                Re: Linux FUD

                just want to say sorry, I had a few too many last night and have just read what I have written, no offense meant and apologies offered to the original thread started
                every day is a gift


                  Re: Linux FUD

                  Originally posted by fleamailman

                  ... I had a few too many last night and have just read what I have written ...
                  Heh heh heh .... "in vino, veritas"

                  I actually hope you and D.K. are correct, and my pessimism is not well founded.


                    Re: Linux FUD

           would my statements be counted as anything other than pessimism? Granted, it means they'll be treating Linux like they treat Windows, but they don't exactly offer very great customer support on Windows. Frell, Apple is the only big box carrier that actually offered good support according to Consumer Reports (at least in the US, where their target audience lives).

                    I suppose equal crappy treatment is better than being ignored, yes?


                      Re: Linux FUD

                      Originally posted by Death Kitten

                      Granted, it means they'll be treating Linux like they treat Windows, but they don't exactly offer very great customer support on Windows.

                      I suppose equal crappy treatment is better than being ignored, yes?
                      I guess it's a multi-faceted question .... I was looking at it like a business person, on the pure economics. Now that you mention it, D.K., I guess maybe there's "competent support" and also "support like Windows users get".

                      I hate to set such a low standard, but ... you may be right!


                        Re: Linux FUD

                        I said it as a joke, but there are a lot more questions about linux on the windows malware removal boards I am on, it is not dumping one system for the other but more the idea of dual boot, so FUD may be less of a problem than we thought since wiping windows is a bit like going cold turkey whereas this is a slowing approach.
                        every day is a gift


                          Re: Linux FUD

                          I tried dual boot once, years before I finally switched to using Linux, and I just never used the Linux partition because I didn't know how to do anything in it. I went cold turkey when I did finally switch, because I knew if I was going to actually successfully switch, I would have to force myself to actually work with it. Best thing I've ever done.


                            Re: Linux FUD

                            Originally posted by Death Kitten
                            I tried dual boot once, years before I finally switched to using Linux, and I just never used the Linux partition because I didn't know how to do anything in it. I went cold turkey when I did finally switch, because I knew if I was going to actually successfully switch, I would have to force myself to actually work with it. Best thing I've ever done.
                            I did the same thing when I first started using Linux. It was Mandrake, back in 2002. I just got frustrated with it because I couldn't figure out how to install anything.

                            Fast-forward to 2005, when I find a stack of Ubuntu promo CDs at a local coffee shop, and take one home. Once I discovered apt-get and aptitude, I haven't looked back. It was just so much fun learning how to use a new OS. I still dual-boot, just in case I need something that runs only in Windows, but I haven't booted into my XP drive in over a month. It's just plain better (and more fun) to do work in Linux.

                            By the way, does anybody know how to get promo CDs? I've been wanting to give some away.


                              Re: Linux FUD

                              My wife and daughter are the last two in the house still using windows as their primary OS. My wife is finally fed up with viruses, etc. Sometime this week I plan to wipe her HD and set her up with linux and XP Home in VirtualBox which is how I have mine set up. I am not sure which linux distro yet. I have been using Kubuntu for awhile, but it has it's frustrations. I may set up some live CDs and let her try out Mint and Ubuntu as well before we make a decision.

