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Need some KDE representation for a poll on ubuntuforums

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    Need some KDE representation for a poll on ubuntuforums

    Hey all,
    I've got a poll going at ubuntuforums, asking people whether (K)ubuntu is their first real experience with Linux, or whether they came over from another Linux distro. Interestingly, 2/3rds of respondents are net new to Linux. Problem is that it is mostly Ubuntu users, only 5 KDE responses total.
    I think it would be great if you would take the poll so that we can get better KDE representation. Not only will it help to gain insight between differences in the proportion of new to experienced Linux users between Ubuntu and Kubuntu, but if poll takers see that there are actually kubuntu users out there, they may be more willing to give it a go. Right now with only 5 Kubuntu respondents, I think many Ubuntu users will consider Kubuntu to be a very small community (or portion of the community). If they see lots of Kubuntu respondents in the poll, that might open their mind up a bit more.

    You can find the poll here:


    Re: Need some KDE representation for a poll on ubuntuforums

    Added my one vote.
    Jucato's Data Core


      Re: Need some KDE representation for a poll on ubuntuforums

      Thanks Jucato!
      I think the results so far are pretty neat. It shows that, in general, for half of the users voting, (K)Ubuntu is their very first experience with Linux. I say it is neat because it shows that (K)Ubuntu isn't just cannibalizing users from other Linux distros, it is driving significant net new Linux users. That in and of itself makes the survey an insight IMO.

      However, I'd like to also use the survey to depict the differences between the Kubuntu base and the Ubuntu base. As it stands now, while its about a 50:50 split for Ubuntu users (1st time with Linux vs coming from other distros), almost 2/3rds of Kubuntu users came from another Linux distro. Is this because they are savvier and know better Is it simply because those brand new to Linux aren't educated about the perfectly stable and awesome Kubuntu route? It's debatable.

      But to make the results statistically significant, I think we need just 5 more Kubuntu users to take the poll (right now have only 25 Kubuntu respondents).

      Anyway, I apologize for the inconvenience of having ot jump into a different forum to vote, but hopefully you'll agree its worth understanding.


        Re: Need some KDE representation for a poll on ubuntuforums

        How ironic, I voted in the poll before I came across this post. And I was going to suggest something similar. I was curious which flavor users in the Ubuntuforums used. I started with Ubuntu feisty, but since it is just a single iso download and burn, I decided to check them all out. I found Kubuntu to work the best and be most comfortable for me with little configuration. Wireless worked without blacklisting drivers, the graphics even seemed better. All this from the Live CD compared to Ubuntu installed. I installed Kubuntu instead and have been loving it. I wonder how many people with Ubuntu have tried Kubuntu? Since KDE was my first Linux experience, maybe it is just destiny.
        Speak the gospel of (K)Ubuntu!


          Re: Need some KDE representation for a poll on ubuntuforums

          I voted "I use Kubuntu BUT it is NOT my first Linux distro"!


            Re: Need some KDE representation for a poll on ubuntuforums

            Kubuntu is actually my first "real" Linux experience, but my first KDE exposure was in FreeBSD. I still like that OS, but from a professional perspective it's even "more extreme"-


              Re: Need some KDE representation for a poll on ubuntuforums

              I've been dual booting my Win XP box for three years with Linux.

              I've used Mandriva LE 2005 with KDE, SUSE 10.1, Mandriva 2006 Power +, Mandriva One 2007 and Mandriva One 2008 only then did I have printer set up problems and switched to Kubuntu 7.10 in October.

              I have Boinc and Kaffiene running like they should, so very pleased with Kubuntu.
              Network of two Dell Optiplex dual boot Pentium 4s, Linux user since 1999 Very Happy with Kubuntu and Mandriva. Three other native&nbsp; computers. Computers in my blood since 1975.<br /><br />A Perkin Web Design and computer hardware engineer


                Re: Need some KDE representation for a poll on ubuntuforums

                I voted over at the other Forum too. Yup, another vote for Kubutu from a long time Linux/Unix user. We run RedHat on my servers at work and Debian on their desktops. I have Debian on this box along with xp pro. I next to never run either since I loaded Kubutu and will most likely nuke them both soon.
                I've got a pretty high end machine, but I could still see a huge difference between Kubuntu and windoze. The set-up using Wubi-7.04 was a breeze and I'd recommend it to anyone including someone doing a 1st time setup. The forum here has been awesome when I needed help figuring something out. As a matter of fact, I finally joined tonight so I could post a thank you for a bailout on my Id10t error.
                Thanx for a great OS and the support that comes with it.

