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This Kubuntu6.10 rocks!!!

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    This Kubuntu6.10 rocks!!!

    Well, I installed Kubuntu (Edgy Eft) 7 day ago and I am already on a roll...From the get-go; I got my Broadcom 4318 wireless chip to work( with the ndiswrapper How-to). After this, yesterday installed DVD codecs (for encrypted DVD), sat down and watched Casino Royale. The How-to's are clear and precise. I was with Opensuse10.2 , it had its advantages, but could not get those two things to work. Kubuntu seems to be tailored for my needs. Overall, I remain very satisfied with Kubuntu...I haven't even read the official manual yet! Still, I have a bit of knowledge in inputting Command lines (like sudo) . Not much, but as time passes I will gain more experience. Of course with any OS, there are some things to learn. But I will tell you one thing, I do not wish to return to Microsoft.

    Anyway, I am still learning. I am certain the rest will go well!!!

    P.S Cannot wait for the upcoming release

    Re: This Kubuntu6.10 rocks!!!

    If you think 6.10's good - and you're right - Feisty would make your socks curl
    up and down! I know the Gibbon's coming in a few weeks but if you've got
    about 2-hours to spare, treat yourself to an upgrade and experience the joy.

    Welcome to the family. Enjoy the ride! 8)
    Registered Kubuntu User #17173...and proud of it! 8)

