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temporary hang, then "fstrim: backing device does not support discard"

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    temporary hang, then "fstrim: backing device does not support discard"

    I've been getting occasional lockups of my system -- the mouse freezes, and maybe 10 seconds later everything comes back normal. In the journal this correlates with three lines like this:
    Jan 13 10:15:22 mymachine ntfs-3g[1746]: fstrim: backing device does not support discard (discard_max_bytes == 0)
    ...these seem to correlate with three partitions on a drive I have installed. It's not an SSD, rather a 3TB HDD. Using lsblk -D I can confirm that "DISC-MAX" is 0B for all of those partitions, which makes sense since it's an HDD.

    I'm not sure if the hang/freeze is due to these errors, or just happens every time the fstrim service is triggered, but I'm wondering why the fstrim service would even be running for an HDD?

    These partitions are mounted via ntfs-3g (ntfs3 seemed to be causing corruption), like so:
    UUID=1234567890ABCDEFGH /mypartition          ntfs-3g    defaults,umask=007,gid=46,uid=1000 0       0
    Any ideas are appreciated, thanks!