I am running latest kUbuntu 24.04. Recently, I have installed Anki from the `install.sh` script they provide.
It created a anki.desktop file in `~/.local/share/applications`. When I click on the desktop file it says:
The contents of the file is as follows:
The executable `anki` is stored at `/home/user/.local/bin/`.
Anki application entry does not shows up in Start menu.
I am able to start the application from terminal though. I am also able to start applications by clicking on their .desktop file.
Please help me fixing this problem. Thanks.
I am running latest kUbuntu 24.04. Recently, I have installed Anki from the `install.sh` script they provide.
It created a anki.desktop file in `~/.local/share/applications`. When I click on the desktop file it says:
The desktop entry file /home/user/.local/share/applications/anki.desktop is not valid.
[Desktop Entry] Name=Anki Comment=An intelligent spaced-repetition memory training program GenericName=Flashcards Exec=anki %f TryExec=anki Icon=anki Categories=Education;Languages;KDE;Qt; Terminal=false Type=Application Version=1.0 MimeType=application/x-apkg;application/x-anki;application/x-ankiaddon; #should be removed eventually as it was upstreamed as to be an XDG specification called SingleMainWindow X-GNOME-SingleWindow=true SingleMainWindow=true StartupWMClass=anki StartupNotify=true Keywords=anki;
Anki application entry does not shows up in Start menu.
I am able to start the application from terminal though. I am also able to start applications by clicking on their .desktop file.
Please help me fixing this problem. Thanks.