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Yuboco Yubikey 2FA MFA not working

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    [CONFIGURATION] Yuboco Yubikey 2FA MFA not working

    After my horrid attempts to "upgrade" and finally get a computer working, now my Yubico Yubikey isn't working..
    I've searched within synaptic and it "appears to be installed"
    I can open the "Yubico Authenticator"
    I cannot FIND the key ?

    Reading around, Yubico says to install their PPA, but highly recommends your Linux update version... This is what I am using, the kUbubtu version. Yes or NO PPA ​

    <I cannot get this image to appear>

    Now I've tried to "reinstall" from Synaptic but that option is greyed out.

    Any suggestions please
    Yubico says latest version is 7.1. Website reads version 6.
    My version is 5.1.?
    Last edited by CharlieDaves; Feb 23, 2025, 06:10 PM.

    $ sudo apt install yubi
    yubico-piv-tool yubikey-manager yubikey-personalization-gui yubiserver
    yubikey-agent yubikey-manager-qt yubikey-server-c
    yubikey-luks yubikey-personalization yubioath-desktop
    mm3@Mohad-Azarbar:~$ sudo apt install yubikey-manager
    Reading package lists... Done
    Building dependency tree... Done
    Reading state information... Done
    yubikey-manager is already the newest version (5.5.1~ppa1~jammy1).
    0 to upgrade, 0 to newly install, 0 to remove and 3 not to upgrade.

    Why is it reading "JAMMY" ?
    Last edited by CharlieDaves; Feb 23, 2025, 06:14 PM. Reason: text errors


      Sometimes the name of a file doesn't really mean anything, if it fully works the creator may just 'copy' to files to Noble. But it really isn't common, and I am over-explaining again

      I can assume that you upgraded from 22.04 to 24.04.
      This process disables all external sources, including PPAs. -- The upgrade tool tells you this. It does change the source to point to noble, but turns it off, if you will.

      So unless you re-enable it, you still have the jammy build.

      Since the jammy PPA package is newer than what is in Ubuntu Noble, it didn't 'upgrade'
      Disabling PPAs does not remove the relevant packages, so the Jammy package was still there.

      So re-enable the repo in the software-properties tool, or if it is easier, remove the software (won't touch your app's user settings) do an auto-remove, remove the PPA via the Software Sources tool, and then re-add the PPA and install the software.
      (You might not need to uninstall anything -- I am including that part in case simply re-enabling the PPA doesn't upgrade the package, and the way PPAs show up in the tool can be confusin)

      Originally posted by CharlieDaves View Post
      Reading around, Yubico says to install their PPA, but highly recommends your Linux update version... This is what I am using, the kUbubtu version. Yes or NO PPA ​
      The package name indicates you did add the PPA at some point.
      The stock Ubuntu version for yubikey-manager is 1.2.5, with file name 1.2.5-1build2
      You have the latest from the PPA, even their noble package in the PPA is 5.5.1

      Originally posted by CharlieDaves View Post
      Yubico says latest version is 7.1. Website reads version 6.
      Version of what? They have a number of different applications and different version levels.

      If you want 6.0 of the tool, you need to use their appimage or tarball, following their instructions.

      Now, the app not seeing your key probably is a bug on their end, though the only way to know for sure is to have the correct packaging for 5.5.1
      or try out the appimage, which is a standalone run-it-from-anywhere thing. Maybe 6.0 works?


        Hmm. Just tried all this again with the 'key' plugged in the rear usb port...
        The key blinked upon plugging IN. It did not blink on keyboard USB. I am guessing the key is being seen by the system
        yubico Authenticator still unable to find or see the key

        ​Claydoh - The package indicates you did add the PPA at some point.

        Yeah. more than likely. don't remember... But the PPA is listed in the software sources.

        Q- How do I remove the yubi-everything and the PPA, and restart and re-install from synaptic ? Please.
        PS. Read my bio


          Now, the simplest and easiest way inmsho is the cli -- there is no GUI equivalent that does what ppa-purge will:
          • remove the ppa's source file
          • downgrade packages back to stock Ubuntu package versions

          But we will do it the 'hard' way

          Note I am on the road with shoddy mobile and worse wifi, and don't have a proper Kubuntu 24.04 install, nor any Yubikey packages installed. ​So I am using my KDE neon, which is still Ubuntu 24.04, same as Kubuntu. Synaptic and the Software Sources tool are 100% identical. Some things may look different.

          Open Synaptic and use the search tool to find yubikey packages. I don't know what the names are for all of them, but just searching for "yubi" will show the important ones

          Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot_20250224_044915.png
Views:	26
Size:	213.7 KB
ID:	685489 lClick image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot_20250224_044946.png
Views:	24
Size:	114.7 KB
ID:	685490

          Select any marked in green. Right click and select Mark for Removal

          Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot_20250224_045048.png
Views:	24
Size:	158.8 KB
ID:	685492

          Click the Apply button.

          Removing the main yubikey packages should also remove some or all of the related packages that don't have 'yubi' in the name.
          But you will want to autoremove anything that might be still present.

          Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot_20250224_050810.png
Views:	23
Size:	235.8 KB
ID:	685493

          Now, go to System Settings and open the Driver Manager.
          Once there, switch to the "Other Software" tab and delete the appropriate PPA -- which will be un-checked.

          Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot_20250224_051821.png
Views:	24
Size:	63.0 KB
ID:	685494

          Now, should be back to square 1. You can go back and follow yubikey's recommended instructions.

          if you decide to stick with the less-preferred PPA method you will still need to use the command line.
          Synaptic doesn't know about PPAs, as it is not an Ubuntu-specific tool. Debian doesn't use them for example, even though Ubuntu uses the same packaging system. So you can't use it to add a PPA.
          Now, one can copy and paste the relevant url for a PPA into the Software Sources tool , but I really am not sure if it still works (there was a recent change on the sources file format. This tool may not support it)
          But if you have to copypasta some text anyway, you might as well do it in the terminal and know it will be added correctly.
          Attached Files


            Yep. Thanks Claydoh.

            PS. I read somewhere that Australia and something called NBN or NBM. Not sure. Its the new Internet roll-out or something.
            out of all countries with 'high-speed' Internet, Australia was 3rd worst. For what you pay and what 'speed' you get.
            New Zealand, just a stones throw to your East, It's 1/2 to 1/4 the price for double the speed both down and UPloads... I is smiling and quietly laughing at my neighbors


              Originally posted by CharlieDaves View Post
              PS. I read somewhere that Australia and something called NBN or NBM. Not sure. Its the new Internet roll-out or something.
              NBN is the fiber (oops, fibre) network. Not my issue, as I am on mobile and not even in OZ at the moment.

              The wife's house isn't hooked up to the NBN yet, its an older home and she is not an online denizen like I am. That will change soon enough. But, compared to Comcast Xfinity, the internet is a fair bit cheaper in Aus speed-for-speed.
              But, yes, the original government led plan did seem to get hijacked and derailed by conservative governments and business interests. I won't dive into that, as it is above my knowledge. Prices are much lower and speeds are much better than when I looked at getting it set up for the Mrs some years ago, before I could come here. The fiber is asynchronous for some reason, so it has lopsided download and upload speeds, like US cable internet.


                Originally posted by claydoh View Post
                The fiber is asynchronous for some reason.
                I used to work within Telecommunications for a bit.
                Asynchronous is a term used on how to send data, specifically phone data traffic.

                As with days of old (like me), we had RTS & CTS, along with Parity and re-send data.... You cannot do that with a phone conversation. If the call data is corrupted then how do you resend it? you can't unless your recording it....

                Asynchronous was a term that took me weeks to understand after hearing about it from some tech friend of mine. Basically you send a crap load of data down an optical fibre with NO-RESENDs... So the other end understands what it is getting, and it's broken up into a block of data along with "other blocks of data of other peoples phone calls", they send a preset sequence of data. I call this the counter data. It tells the other end when to start counting the blocks of data correctly. So on a 650Meg Optical Fibre (as my friend explained to me) there is blocks of ""counter data"" I think at the start, but he also mentioned something about the middle of the data had something very important. After the data is received, and counted, it is distributed.
                If there is an error (the middle part again) that data I think is just ignored, and then the system looks again for the Preset sequence of data and starts counting the blocks again.
                Another error, and alarms go off, and people's phone calls go blank or something.

                I guess you have be trained like my tech friend.

                And a few less drinks when it's explained.


                  New Problem...
                  I found that Yubico Authenticator is on my PC, and has been upgrade, to now include a <insert several bad-words> password.

                  I have never used a password.

                  I have no record of a password.

                  and Yubico solution is to "reset" the key

                  Q - If I use 20.04 kubuntu on a USB-stick and install yubico older version, should the data still be there ?

                  As in is the Data on the Stick or inside the Authenticator ? Somewhere ?

                  Oh! And now Yubico is offering backup to your Yubikey... wasn't an option 2023-2017 years ago.
                  Last edited by CharlieDaves; Feb 28, 2025, 02:09 AM. Reason: Add a Question

