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How to Delete a Repository

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    How to Delete a Repository

    I installed the ppa backports on kubuntu 24.04 and it doesn't seem to be working properly as I get error messages when I do updates. How can I delete it? I also remember reading somewhere that this backports ppa might interfere with KDE Connect, which no longer works for me.

    If you delete or "remove" the PPA the stuff it installed will still be present. If you want to get rid of whatever was installed from that PPA (and replaced by some other source) you must purge the PPA.

    The command line tool to do this is ppa-purge​.

    You could also post the errors you're getting and ask for help with that, but if backports broke KDEconnect then maybe getting rid of it is a good idea.

    Please Read Me


      I must be doing something wrong. I typed ppa-purge kubuntu-ppa-ubuntu-backports-noble.sources and got an error message:Warning: Could not find package list for PPA: kubuntu-ppa-ubuntu-backports-noble.sources
      ​ I also got another message saying

      W: Si
      gnature by key E4DFEC907DEDA4B8A670E8042836CB0A8AC93F7A uses weak algorithm (rsa1024)

      ​The latter message also appears when I update. Any ideas?


        Originally posted by oldgeek View Post
        I installed the ppa backports on kubuntu 24.04
        You are having problens because they're are no packages there for 24.04, at least not at this time. This makes apt complain and not update anything.

        Since you didn't install any packages from it there are a few ways to delete the info.

        But the most direct and simple method is to use ppa-purge, as oshunluvr suggests.

        You use it in the exact same manner as when you added the PPA:

        sudo ppa-purge ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports

        This is a handy tool, and very useful as it would also downgrade any packages back to stock ones as well. As ment mentioned, simply removing or disabling repo entries doesn't do that.


          I tried to purge it using the exact code, but got the same error message, could not find a package list for the ppa. What does this mean?


            Originally posted by oldgeek View Post
            I must be doing something wrong. I typed ppa-purge kubuntu-ppa-ubuntu-backports-noble.sources and got an error message:Warning: Could not find package list for PPA: kubuntu-ppa-ubuntu-backports-noble.sources
            ​ I also got another message saying

            W: Si
            gnature by key E4DFEC907DEDA4B8A670E8042836CB0A8AC93F7A uses weak algorithm (rsa1024)

            ​The latter message also appears when I update. Any ideas?

            A "W" is a warning, not an error. Most likely can be ignored, for the second one, and probably both.
            The first is also a warning - it is descriptive - you don't have a package list from that PPA (used to downgrade things, if necessary). Which is accurate - there are no packages for Noble.

            To be sure, look in /etc/apt/sources.list.d for a file that is named kubuntu-ppa, or kubuntu-backports, or similar. If you don't, then its all good, and the PPA has been removed.

            If you have it, delete it. ppa-purge may just not know what to do here with an unused, empty PPA, though I have used it in this sort of situation in the past, I swear. Honest.

            The correct file to delete will be /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kubuntu-ppa-ubuntu-backports-noble.sources
            Since you don't have any software installed from it, it is OK to just delete it, and check for updates.


              I tried again, and it still won't go away. I used Nala commands remove and purge; remove says there's no file by that name (but Dolphin says there is) and purge gives me the same warning message as before. In any case, none of this experimenting has brought back KDE Connect, which still won't connect with my phone --although the phone version wants to connect with my tablet, so that works. So I don't know what else to do. Is there an alternative to KDE Connect?


                My 2¢:

                IME with KDE Connect, completely purging it from the phone is necessary sometimes. It seems to set some stuff up only when installed, and if that's wrong or out of date it never recovers. IME problems have been fixed by doing stuff on the phone; android is aggressive at removing permissions from apps and that has caused trouble.
                Regards, John Little


                  According to an opinion on the phone website (Google Play, that is) version 1.31.1 does not work due to a problem with encryption. I have no more details. Thanks to all those who tried to help.

