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Can't get sudo to use AD group with sssd

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    Can't get sudo to use AD group with sssd

    I can't get sudo to use an AD group with sssd. This was working, but broke this past week. Logins against AD are working fine. User and group resolution is working fine. Adding the user to sudoers works. Adding the group(s) the user belongs to doesn't work. I have tried every format I can think of with nothing working. Issue seems limited to it's handing ling the % group entry in sudoers.

    I am adding the config to a file called cedar in /etc/sudoers.d.

    This works:

    root@silk:/etc/sudoers.d# cat cedar
    #%cansudo ALL=(ALL) ALL
    eshwayri ALL=(ALL) ALL

    eshwayri@silk:~$ sudo su -
    [sudo] password for eshwayri:

    This doesn't work:

    root@silk:/etc/sudoers.d# cat cedar
    %cansudo ALL=(ALL) ALL
    #eshwayri ALL=(ALL) ALL​

    eshwayri@silk:~$ sudo su -
    eshwayri is not in the sudoers file.

    ​eshwayri is a member of cansudo (see below). I have also tried using the primary group of "domain admins". I have tried it like this:

    or %CEDAR\\cansudo
    or %cansudo@CEDAR

    Also tried using "domain admins" as "domain\ admins" since it is the primary group. I can't get it to work with any iteration of group name I could come up with. Always works as long as I use the user name.

    root@silk:/etc/sudoers.d# getent passwd | grep eshwayri
    eshwayri:*:21114:20512:Edmond E. Shwayri:/export/home/eshwayri:/bin/bash
    root@silk:/etc/sudoers.d# getent group | grep eshwayri
    cedar users:*:21143:eshwayri,parents,administrator
    domain multimedia:*:24110:eshwayri,administrator,ammedia, gmmedia
    analysis services admin:*:22114:eshwayri,sqladmin,administrator
    fts admins:*:22113:eshwayri,sqladmin,administrator
    esx administrators:*:22138:eshwayri,administrator
    sql agent admins:*:22112:eshwayri,sqladmin,administrator
    domain admins:*:20512:administrator,eshwayri
    sql server admins:*:22111:eshwayri,sqladmin,administrator
    domain wireless users:*:21152:eshwayri,parents,administrator
    denied rodc password replication group:*:20572:krbtgt,administrator,eshwayri
    domain users:*:20513:eshwayri,wirns,administrator,guest,k rbtgt,support_388945a0,wmus_aldur,parents,iusr_ald ur,iwam_aldur,bbsuser1,dyndnsupd,pvruser,iwam_aphr ael,iusr_aphrael,tsinternetuser,sqladmin,nbuvadp,c luster
    root@silk:/etc/sudoers.d# id eshwayri
    uid=21114(eshwayri) gid=20512(domain admins) groups=20512(domain admins),22114(analysis services admin),21152(domain wireless users),22138(esx administrators),24110(domain multimedia),22111(sql server admins),22112(sql agent admins),205
    13(domain users),21143(cedar users),22113(fts admins),21130(praetorian),23107(mymovies),20572(de nied rodc password replication group),20523(cansudo)

    root@silk:/etc/sudoers.d# cat /etc/nsswitch.conf
    # /etc/nsswitch.conf
    # Example configuration of GNU Name Service Switch functionality.
    # If you have the `glibc-doc-reference' and `info' packages installed, try:
    # `info libc "Name Service Switch"' for information about this file.

    passwd: files sss systemd
    group: files sss systemd
    shadow: files sss systemd
    gshadow: files systemd

    hosts: files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns
    networks: files

    protocols: db files
    services: db files sss
    ethers: db files
    rpc: db files

    netgroup: nis sss
    automount: sss
    sudo: files sss

    ​root@silk:/etc/sudoers.d# cat /etc/sssd/sssd.conf
    domains =
    config_file_version = 2
    services = nss, pam, pac

    enumerate = True
    subdomain_enumerate = True
    default_shell = /bin/bash
    krb5_store_password_if_offline = True
    cache_credentials = True
    krb5_realm = CEDAR-REPUBLIC.COM
    realmd_tags = manages-system joined-with-adcli
    fallback_homedir = /export/home/%u
    ad_domain =
    ad_gpo_access_control = permissive
    ad_gpo_ignore_unreadable = True
    use_fully_qualified_names = False
    ldap_id_mapping = False
    id_provider = ad
    auth_provider = ad
    chpass_provider = ad
    access_provider = ad

    ​root@silk:/etc/sudoers.d# cat /etc/krb5.conf
    # krb5.conf(5) - configuration file for Kerberos 5

    pam = {
    forwardable = true
    ticket_lifetime = 86400
    renew_lifetime = 86400

    dns_lookup_realm = true
    dns_lookup_kdc = true
    ticket_lifetime = 24h
    clockskew = 300
    forwardable = yes
    default_realm = CEDAR-REPUBLIC.COM
    udp_preference_limit = 0


    default_domain = CEDAR-REPUBLIC.COM

    default = SYSLOG:INFO:LOCAL7

    Last edited by Snowhog; Jun 20, 2024, 06:36 PM.

    Any insight to be gained here?
    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


      Originally posted by Snowhog View Post
      Any insight to be gained here?
      Not really since everything other than sudo processing of AD groups is working. Logins are working both online and offline (cached). getent, id, groups, etc... are all enumerating both local and AD groups. I have files/directories owned by AD users/groups and they are all properly listed with those names (ie-its properly resolving usernames and groupnames). sudo is working when an AD user is added to the sudoers file; its just not working when I use groups. Also this configuration with groups was working for the past 3 weeks; it stopped working this week. I think next step I am going to have to verbosely log sudo to see what its doing.


        Try this format:

        %cansudo ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL

        Please Read Me


          Originally posted by oshunluvr View Post
          Try this format:

          %cansudo ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL
          I had already tried that. I checked my logs and it looks like the sssd packages were upgraded on 6/17. So it was working before and broke after. Anyone know where I can find a change log for the Kubuntu updates that are pushed out?

          I tuned on sudo debug logging and it's definitely a problem with enumerating AD groups. The message in the logs is:

          Jun 21 18:57:50.903 sudo[85838] sudo_get_grlist: user eshwayri is a member of group domain users
          Jun 21 18:57:50.903 sudo[85838] sudo_get_grlist: user eshwayri is a member of group praetorian
          Jun 21 18:57:50.903 sudo[85838] sudo_get_grlist: user eshwayri is a member of group cedar users
          Jun 21 18:57:50.903 sudo[85838] sudo_get_grlist: user eshwayri is a member of group domain wireless users
          Jun 21 18:57:50.903 sudo[85838] sudo_get_grlist: user eshwayri is a member of group sql server admins
          Jun 21 18:57:50.903 sudo[85838] sudo_get_grlist: user eshwayri is a member of group sql agent admins
          Jun 21 18:57:50.903 sudo[85838] sudo_get_grlist: user eshwayri is a member of group fts admins
          Jun 21 18:57:50.903 sudo[85838] sudo_get_grlist: user eshwayri is a member of group analysis services admin
          Jun 21 18:57:50.903 sudo[85838] sudo_get_grlist: user eshwayri is a member of group esx administrators
          Jun 21 18:57:50.903 sudo[85838] sudo_get_grlist: user eshwayri is a member of group mymovies
          Jun 21 18:57:50.903 sudo[85838] sudo_get_grlist: user eshwayri is a member of group domain multimedia
          Jun 21 18:57:50.903 sudo[85838] <- sudo_get_grlist @ ../../../plugins/sudoers/pwutil.c:921 := 0x635d68f755e8
          Jun 21 18:57:50.903 sudo[85838] -> sudo_grlist_delref @ ../../../plugins/sudoers/pwutil.c:834
          Jun 21 18:57:50.903 sudo[85838] -> sudo_grlist_delref_item @ ../../../plugins/sudoers/pwutil.c:823
          Jun 21 18:57:50.903 sudo[85838] <- sudo_grlist_delref_item @ ../../../plugins/sudoers/pwutil.c:828
          Jun 21 18:57:50.903 sudo[85838] <- sudo_grlist_delref @ ../../../plugins/sudoers/pwutil.c:836
          Jun 21 18:57:50.903 sudo[85838] user_in_group: user eshwayri NOT in group cansudo

          ​So it sees I am a member of a lot of groups, but isn't seeing I am a member of cansudo or domain admins. cansudo, domain admins, and domain users are all the same type of group. There is no reason it should see me in one, but not the others.

          uid=21114(eshwayri) gid=20512(domain admins) groups=20512(domain admins),22114(analysis services admin),21152(domain wireless users),22138(esx administrators),24110(domain multimedia),22111(sql server admins),22112(sql agent admins),205
          72(denied rodc password replication group),20513(domain users),21143(cedar users),22113(fts admins),21130(praetorian),23107(mymovies),20523(ca nsudo)

          I think next step is to debug sssd.

