I'm moving from 22.04 to 24.04. When I previously moved from 20.04 to 22.04, I was able to set up identically sized partitions and not format the /home partition, which retained it intact. When I tried that with 24.04, the installation created its own /home partition, relegating my saved partition to /media/name/etc. The system's home partition is not large enough to simply copy my old files into it. Is there a step-by-step that someone can direct me to for this iteration of Kubuntu? (I haven't lost any data; I have several external backups of my /home.)
At this point I'm thinking that I should reinstall and specify /home of sufficient size, since I have all the partition information from 22.04. Thanks for the help.
At this point I'm thinking that I should reinstall and specify /home of sufficient size, since I have all the partition information from 22.04. Thanks for the help.