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I hate 24.04. How do I get back to something that works

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    [DESKTOP] I hate 24.04. How do I get back to something that works

    As Linus Torvalds said he doesn't use Debian. "I’m not really a fan of customising; I just want to get **** done."... Well me to. I don't mind playing around to get something I like, but I really hate it when an "UPGRADE" just changes everything from Appearance to Settings !!

    Now my main boot SSD is separate from my /home SSD... I asked about this years ago, for situations like this.

    I am guessing my options are....
    1.wipe & install 24.04 fresh

    2.wipe & install 22.04 that I know worked.... This is what I want to do.

    NOW. Since my main PC is dead, and I am going to attempt to backup my /home ssd, just encase. (Not sure on the how - yet). PS I am currently using an old 20.04 version pc, that all updates have been disabled since (years ago). I basically use it for data storage and movie playback. It's keyboard is 20 years old and is giving me lots of grief with typing errors, etc

    Q- What is my better option. Please note that AFAIK 24.04 is craptacular and I hate it. It also doesn't like my hardware (like my USB printer) See the following posts

    Q- What problems am I likely to encounter ?

    Q- Am I going to have problems with /var or grub or other system files or folders ?
    --Yeah I know I should have backed everything up, but I spent 2 hours trying to get a bootable version of clonezilla to work. It would find my drives, but not do the backup. some error(s) I don't remember

    Anything else. Please comment
    Last edited by CharlieDaves; Feb 28, 2025, 03:17 PM. Reason: Minor phrase and spelling

    So I have a copy of my ~/Home folder
    I need the data stuff. Also asked before the PC decided to crash, sorry black screen on me after boot. It has been doing this but usually only lasts 30 seconds. I attempted to "log in" but nothing happened.
    And I cant get the recover boots to work either.

    dpkg spat out an error something about wrong software source... When it did work. Then when I was returned to the rescue menu, it was the last time it worked or responded


      I would say try a fresh 24.04 install first. 22.04 will stop being supported in less than 2 months, so not ideal unless you're going to keep the machine offline. As a general thing, I would recommend doing a fresh install from LTS to LTS rather than use the upgrade tool. The longer the time between upgrades, the more chance of problems and LTS is a long gap. The next Kubuntu LTS upgrade will go from Plasma 5 to a developed Plasma 6 so that may well not be fun either. That said, you also had a hardware breakdown ? so it might have been that to blame.

      Not really sure about the data. You've plugged your SSD from your now broken computer into an old second computer?


        [QUOTE=Bings;n685573]I would say try a fresh 24.04 install first. 22.04 will stop being supported in less than 2 months, so not ideal unless you're going to keep the machine offline. As a general thing, I would recommend doing a fresh install from LTS to LTS rather than use the upgrade tool. The longer the time between upgrades, the more chance of problems and LTS is a long gap. The next Kubuntu LTS upgrade will go from Plasma 5 to a developed Plasma 6 so that may well not be fun either.
        You are possible correct. As mentioned my sources still referrer to 20.04 focal. the last 'fresh' install I did due to "the same problems"... I have jumped on the soap box here[HTML][/HTML]

        Originally posted by Bings View Post
        That said, you also had a hardware breakdown ? so it might have been that to blame.
        Problems with hardware = yes. Possible Focal software. Possible hardware not recognized. Possible Alien Intervention

        Originally posted by Bings View Post
        Not really sure about the data. You've plugged your SSD from your now broken computer into an old second computer?
        Umm. Yeah... I've plugged it in as "An EXTERNAL Sata" and copied the ~/Home Folder as a backup...

        The Main QUESTION(s)
        If I do a fresh Install of 24.04, then add (reconnect my Home SSD)

        Q- Will I lose any software settings? Yubico-Yubikey is the main CONCERN, as almost everything is NOW (For me) MFA. Gmail. Protonmail. Bank. Other Forums...

        I've been reading through Yubi-website, and I cannot understand how this thing works. They say to make a backup is to
        1... "copy and save the QR code" when you created a key (OTAH or TOTP or U2F or <wahtever>)
        2... Create at same time a second key code.... And not use the second key..... Most places you can only create one(1) key from what I can determine. If you add another key it erases the first

        Q2... What is the forum link (If not exists - Can someone please post a new Thread on how to do this) How to change your home folder location or use a new one !!!!

        Q?... Possible more things. If someone knows what could go wrong, I can try and prepare for that.... If I know



          A fresh install will create a new home directory, with new settings for the O.S. Your current home directory, will have config files for the old version that may not be compatible and cause problems. As for non KDE programs, you will have to figure out on a case by case basis how to restore any settings. Yubico-Yubikey is a service you pay for, so they are best placed and it's their responsibility to offer you support. So better to contact them. There should be a way for you to transfer your settings though.


            Honestly. i'll stick with what I know and Like.... 22.04
            This looks like a good reason, and It wouldn't be the first time I was using an unsupported release. It's my choice.


              ny PC thanks/to24.4.2/ uf now FUBAR.


                Okay New Problem
                I am unable to backup or copy (cp) my /home drive data.

                CP misses (according to folder properties) about 100 files and 34 Directories

                If I use compression
                gz - will not uncompressed, it says file mismatch or suspicious file or possible something dangerous (Or words to that effect)
                7zip just starts and stops (finishes) 3 seconds later, now file created or compress
                I haven't tried anything else.

                I really need to back up this data.

                I've found an July 2024 clonzilla backup of my system drive (including a 2nd BTRFS partition---go figure), hopefully restoring it will give some control of files.

                The only problem is that my /home data was upgraded to 24.04.... Which boots to a black screen.

                Any suggestions please and thanks


                  Copy the folders that are not hidden from your home backup to your new home. That way you won't copy the configuration folders that are always hidden.


                    I've done LTS to LTS fresh installs for several cycles now and have never had a problem with old configs. The one issue that I do have, but which is not hard to work out, is with Thunderbird and having to link up the existing mail folders to the new installation. Having /home on a separate partition, and then just re-formatting / and /boot/efi within the installer (manual install procedures), it goes smoothly. This procedure may not work for everyone, but it's easy. Naturally, I always back up /home before starting, and I never leave the config folders hidden.
                    The next brick house on the left
                    Intel i7 11th Gen | 16GB | 1TB | KDE Plasma 5.27.11​| Kubuntu 24.04 | 6.8.0-31-generic


                      Originally posted by deadsplash View Post
                      Copy the folders that are not hidden from your home backup to your new home. That way you won't copy the configuration folders that are always hidden.
                      Sounds sort of like a fail plan... It's configuration I need... Specifically Yubico config


                        Originally posted by jglen490 View Post
                        I've done LTS to LTS fresh installs for several cycles now and have never had a problem with old configs. The one issue that I do have, but which is not hard to work out, is with Thunderbird and having to link up the existing mail folders to the new installation. Having /home on a separate partition, and then just re-formatting / and /boot/efi within the installer (manual install procedures), it goes smoothly. This procedure may not work for everyone, but it's easy. Naturally, I always back up /home before starting, and I never leave the config folders hidden.
                        Sounds good.....
                        Q- Is your PC 2009 Era ? Or more modern possible with a UEFI Noot not Legacy (All-Though I have read that ""Legacy Boot"" is encapsulate or inside the UEFI BOOT)

                        Q- jglen - Are you able to provide a noob guide to this (installer with manual install procedures) Please ?

                        Thunderbird... Are you referring to manually changing all the mail folders from default to /home/jglen-thunderbird/ folder for each mail account ?
                        Q- Couldn't you just export data, or export config ?
                        Q- Isn't it possible to just copy .thunderbird profile.ini ? Mine has the folder locations ?
                        Q- Do you know where thunderbird keeps it config file (if it has one) ?
                        ---> I ask (jglen) as I've always "backed up" thunderbird mail folders, & the ./thunderbird/ folder... I have never had to attempt a restore...
                        Q- What is, or how do you recover or RESTORE thunderbird ? Please & Thanks jglen


                          Don't use cp to do a backup solution. Use rsync, or one of the rsync-based GUI apps.
                          The next brick house on the left
                          Intel i7 11th Gen | 16GB | 1TB | KDE Plasma 5.27.11​| Kubuntu 24.04 | 6.8.0-31-generic


                            Originally posted by jglen490 View Post
                            Don't use cp to do a backup solution. Use rsync, or one of the rsync-based GUI apps.
                            Thanks jglen490 . I'll do a luckyBackup

                            Question. Without using quote, how do I post a forum users name, as "linkable" text
                            Someone did this once before, and I think it's a nice way to acknowledge the user who made a valid post or point

