As Linus Torvalds said he doesn't use Debian. "I’m not really a fan of customising; I just want to get **** done."... Well me to. I don't mind playing around to get something I like, but I really hate it when an "UPGRADE" just changes everything from Appearance to Settings !!
Now my main boot SSD is separate from my /home SSD... I asked about this years ago, for situations like this.
I am guessing my options are....
1.wipe & install 24.04 fresh
2.wipe & install 22.04 that I know worked.... This is what I want to do.
NOW. Since my main PC is dead, and I am going to attempt to backup my /home ssd, just encase. (Not sure on the how - yet). PS I am currently using an old 20.04 version pc, that all updates have been disabled since (years ago). I basically use it for data storage and movie playback. It's keyboard is 20 years old and is giving me lots of grief with typing errors, etc
Q- What is my better option. Please note that AFAIK 24.04 is craptacular and I hate it. It also doesn't like my hardware (like my USB printer) See the following posts
Q- What problems am I likely to encounter ?
Q- Am I going to have problems with /var or grub or other system files or folders ?
--Yeah I know I should have backed everything up, but I spent 2 hours trying to get a bootable version of clonezilla to work. It would find my drives, but not do the backup. some error(s) I don't remember
Anything else. Please comment
Now my main boot SSD is separate from my /home SSD... I asked about this years ago, for situations like this.
I am guessing my options are....
1.wipe & install 24.04 fresh
2.wipe & install 22.04 that I know worked.... This is what I want to do.
NOW. Since my main PC is dead, and I am going to attempt to backup my /home ssd, just encase. (Not sure on the how - yet). PS I am currently using an old 20.04 version pc, that all updates have been disabled since (years ago). I basically use it for data storage and movie playback. It's keyboard is 20 years old and is giving me lots of grief with typing errors, etc
Q- What is my better option. Please note that AFAIK 24.04 is craptacular and I hate it. It also doesn't like my hardware (like my USB printer) See the following posts
Q- What problems am I likely to encounter ?
Q- Am I going to have problems with /var or grub or other system files or folders ?
--Yeah I know I should have backed everything up, but I spent 2 hours trying to get a bootable version of clonezilla to work. It would find my drives, but not do the backup. some error(s) I don't remember
Anything else. Please comment