Hello after doing a fresh install of KUbuntu 24.04.1, I am experiencing an issue after submitting my password on the login screen which might be connected to SDDM or plasma, I'm not sure.
After submitting my password, my screen becomes black and I can only move the mouse cursor. I have to wait between 2 and 3 minutes until something times out, and then the desktop shows up.
This weird behavior appears after I run a script provided by my company to harden the security of my laptop which modified the rsyslog configuration and add some iptables rules:
If I disable the iptables service, or enable it without the rules, everything is working fine, my desktop shows up right after I submit my password. Hence, I suspect that the issue is related to my iptables configuration but I cannot find why.
In addition, I didn't have the problem with Kubuntu 22.04.
Here is the output of the journalctl entries related to x11. We can see that after more than 2 minutes, systemd tries to launch plasmax11:
Do you have any idea what could cause this wait of ~2 minutes?
After submitting my password, my screen becomes black and I can only move the mouse cursor. I have to wait between 2 and 3 minutes until something times out, and then the desktop shows up.
This weird behavior appears after I run a script provided by my company to harden the security of my laptop which modified the rsyslog configuration and add some iptables rules:
#!/bin/bash echo "#!/bin/bash iptables -F iptables -P INPUT DROP iptables -N LOG_DROP iptables -A LOG_DROP -j LOG --log-prefix '[IPTABLES DROP] : ' iptables -A LOG_DROP -j DROP iptables -N LOG_ACCEPT iptables -A LOG_ACCEPT -j LOG --log-prefix '[IPTABLES ACCEPT] : ' iptables -A LOG_ACCEPT -j ACCEPT ip6tables -N LOG_ACCEPT ip6tables -A LOG_ACCEPT -j LOG --log-prefix '[IPTABLES ACCEPT] : ' ip6tables -A LOG_ACCEPT -j ACCEPT iptables -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT iptables -A INPUT -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j LOG_ACCEPT iptables -A INPUT -j LOG_DROP iptables -A FORWARD -j LOG_DROP ip6tables -F INPUT ip6tables -F OUTPUT ip6tables -F FORWARD ip6tables -F # Allow ICMP #ip6tables -A INPUT -p icmpv6 -j ACCEPT ip6tables -A INPUT -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j LOG_ACCEPT ip6tables -P INPUT DROP" > /etc/init.d/firewall chmod +x /etc/init.d/firewall #update-rc.d firewall defaults #/etc/init.d/firewall echo "[Unit] Description=Packet Filtering Framework DefaultDependencies=no After=systemd-sysctl.service Before=sysinit.target [Service] Type=oneshot ExecStart=/etc/init.d/firewall ExecReload=/etc/init.d/firewall ExecStop=/etc/init.d/firewall RemainAfterExit=yes [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target" > /etc/systemd/system/iptables.service systemctl enable iptables systemctl start iptables
In addition, I didn't have the problem with Kubuntu 22.04.
Here is the output of the journalctl entries related to x11. We can see that after more than 2 minutes, systemd tries to launch plasmax11:
$ sudo journalctl -xb | grep -i startplasma-x11 sept. 25 15:07:10 pc sddm[1214]: Session "/usr/share/xsessions/plasma.desktop" selected, command: "/usr/bin/startplasma-x11" for VT 2 sept. 25 15:07:10 pc sddm-helper[1414]: Starting X11 session: "" "/etc/sddm/Xsession \"/usr/bin/startplasma-x11\"" sept. 25 15:09:25 pc systemd[1417]: Reloading requested from client PID 1460 ('startplasma-x11')...
Do you have any idea what could cause this wait of ~2 minutes?