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Kubuntu failing to install a .deb

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    Kubuntu failing to install a .deb

    I have recently installed Kubuntu 24.04 on my desktop PC, (after previously running Ubuntu 22.04 LTS) , no problems with installation, everything seems to work "straight out of the box" I did have a slight hitch installing Google Chrome but after using Gdebi this also installed without a problem, but the next .deb is a problem, I have a 3D printer (Creatbot F430), Creatbot supply a slicer software for this machine, available for Windows, Mac and Linux, the .deb file for this has me stumped, after downloading this file I tried to install it also using Gdebi, everything seemed to be OK , an Icon was created on the application launcher, but when clicked upon nothing happens, no messages nothing, I also tried using Qapt, which stated that all dependencies were met, no change same result, software does not start (no messages) , I have also tried installing from the terminal (using apt install) which reports that software is installed, at first I thought perhaps a corrupt file, so downloaded the .deb and installed on a laptop I have running Lubuntu, worked directly no problem, so I copied the .deb file to a USB stick, and transferred it to the desktop (after deleting the original download) , after a new round of installing I again get exactly the same problem! the icon on the application launcher does nothing, if i right click >"uninstall or manage add ons" nothing happens, I am obviously missing something here, after previous installations of this software on Ubuntu all that was required (if that ) was to right click, > permissions > make executable and it was up and running, any ideas?

    So, you need to try running the application from the terminal and look for error messages.

    CreatWare for Linux:

    Date: 10 Aug 2022 <------ note the date
    Version: V7.0.2 (58MB)
    Language: English
    Originally posted by MikeB View Post
    installed on a laptop I have running Lubuntu,

    The real problem is that the deb probably is not properly made, per se, and though it claims to have all of its dependencies satisfied, all the real ones may not be included in the deb file's configuration.
    Attempting to run it from the terminal might give useful clues as to what it needs.

    Which is a completely goofy location for an executable.

    Yup, grabbing the deb and inspecting it's innards shows that it doesn't list ANY dependencies at all.

    Package: creatware
    Version: 7.0.1
    Priority: extra
    Section: checkinstall
    Installed-Size: 108560
    Maintainer: creatbot
    Architecture: i386
    Provides: build
    Description: creatbot soft​
    Note the 'checkinstall/ item -- this means it was made locally on someone's computer, which may or may not work an everyone's system, as they may not have the same dependecies or versions as the one it was made for. Checkinstall is made for personal use, and isn't designed to make universally usable packages.

    You will need to complain to the company, or just try a different slicer (Prusa, orca slicer, cura?)


      Thank you but that does not help me much, the Creatware slicer is a modified version of Prusa, I did get from Creatbot a modification for Cura (which has no native support for Creatbot printers) this works as such but I get better results with Creatware, strange that the installation has worked perfectly on Ubuntu 22.04 and Lubuntu 22.04 without any problems at all, I also have another laptop (HP Elitebook) running Kubuntu 22.04 , I will try installing on that machine later this evening, if that works then obviously 22.04 and 24.04 see this .deb in a different manner, I will report back, but if this does not work there either then my install of Kubuntu 24.04 will be short lived, I do like the GUI but will have to install an OS that does support this .deb, for me it is an important program and for a good workflow I need CAD and slicer on the same PC , (much easier to work on a desktop connected to a Dell 27" screen).


        Writing this from the Eltebook, this also failed, unfortunately same result, but to be expected I thought it was running 22.04 but I had forgot that I had upgraded, to 24.04, so it looks as if I will have to return to Ubuntu or Lubuntu where the .deb does install and work correctly.


          We can find out what is missing by seeing what the terminal complains about

          Kubuntu is the exact same OS as Ubuntu and Kubuntu, it just doesn't have some GUI library installed that this software wants, because it isn't normally neede in KDE.

          The stupid Deb has no dependency list in it. If It did, discover/apt would install them for you. It might need one or a few packages, no way of knowing. But likey easier that using a sledge hammer to put in a push pin on a corkboard.

          I did list the command or running this from Konsole to find out what it complains about.

          Having said that, if it is working in 22.04 for Ubuntu , Kubuntu, and Kubuntu, but not in Kubuntu 24.04, my guess is that it won't run in Ubuntu or Kubuntu 24.04. the compiled code used to make the Deb can be very release-specific, and whatever library it wants has been updated to a newer version that the binary came work with

          If I have time, I'll test it out later today.


            An easy fix. The application is looking for two libraries that have been updated to a newer version. However, one can create a symlink to the newer files, but named the old version.
            This is a fairly common thing, as there are numerous apps that haven't been updated by their devs to support 24.04, and is not unusual in Linux generally, many library files maintain backward compatibility

            $ /usr/share/src/CreatWare
            /usr/share/src/CreatWare: error while loading shared libraries: canno
            t open shared object file: No such file or directory

            ​$ /usr/share/src/CreatWare
            /usr/share/src/CreatWare: error while loading shared libraries:
            : cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

            sudo ln -sf /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
            sudo ln -sf /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/​

            Click image for larger version  Name:	Screenshot_20240919_011532.png Views:	0 Size:	251.9 KB ID:	682526


              Thanks,I will try that, but I have fixed another workaround, Wine! I installed Wine and Winetricks, downloaded the Windows version, pointed it at the .msi Windows installation file and it installed, installation was in Chinese or showed blank squares (but I obviously clicked on the right boxes!) , It does create an Icon on the start menu that works! there is an advantage, the Linux version is quite old and not updated whereas the Windows version has recently been updated, I will test the slicer on a .stl file and see what the 3D printer does with it, if OK I will probably just run the Windows version, but if there are any problem I will revert to the Linux version (which with your help should now install and run.


                It might not be able to access the printer, I don't think I have ever been successful with accessing hardware with Wine, other than input devices and printers. But 3d printers don't really need OS specific drivers, if I am not mistaken.
                The software running doesn't mean Wine provides access to things at a hardware level. Just don't be surprised if it doesn't work that way.

                However, if one runs Windows or the older OS that works (eew) via Virtualbox. where hardware can usually be passed through to the virtual machine, especially if you really needed the most current version and you don't have a terribly weak PC.

                Note the symlinks, being links, won't damage anything, and the fix is two quick copy-pastas away.

                Plus, don't forget that there are a fair amount of slicers for Linux. Might find one you like.

