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Discover fails to update a package

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    My 23.10 live USB would not boot so I had to use boot repair's disk utility. I deleted the boot partition and deleted all the partitions on dev/sdb and told boot repair to use all of dev/sdb for the boot partition. When I reboot the CMOS sees dev/sdb but grub II can't so no kernel can boot. After I # out the reference to the UUID for dev/sdb I find I can only boot to the rescue mode kernel. No matter whether I install any NVIDIA driver my highest resolution is 1024x768 after rebooting into rescue mode going into CTRL D and selecting continue normal boot. I also discovered that the swap file no longer works. I had to mark it ignored in fstab to get booted. the system log says that the swap file can not be copy-on-write. Probably got put on a BTRFS.
    Just to remind users and devs that Ubuntu and its flavors have a long way to go to be as usr friendly as they should be.


      Originally posted by steve7233 View Post
      ... the system log says that the swap file can not be copy-on-write. Probably got put on a BTRFS.
      On a btrfs, a swapfile should have the "attribute" No_COW. You can check with lsattr. For example, a swap file created by the 24.04 installer, on a volume mounted on /mnt/main:
      $ sudo lsattr -l /mnt/main/swapfile
      /mnt/main/@swap/swapfile     No_COW, Dont_Compress
      I don't know how you got a copy-on-write swap file; when I tried a 24.04 install last week, the installer crashed trying to run a chattr command on the swap file.
      Regards, John Little


      • oshunluvr
        oshunluvr commented
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        They fixed the chattr thing last time I did an install but the network problem was still there. I believe that was using KDEneon 03/28 iso

      • jlittle
        jlittle commented
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        Just tried a Noble install and hit the chattr error. I am frustrated by calamares in that I can't tell it what to do about swap; if I could I'd tell it "Don't!" and thus work around the error.