Just got round to upgrading from 23.04 to 23.10. I switched to Wayland to check it out. On logging in I get the following 2 warning messages;
1) IBus should be called from the desktop session in Wayland. For KDE, you can launch 'systemsettings5' utility and go to "Input Devices" -> "Virtual Keyboard" section and select "IBus Wayland" icon and click "Apply" button to configure IBus in Wayland. For other desktop sessions, you can copy the 'Exec=' line in org.freedesktop.IBus.Panel.Wayland.Gtk3.desktop file to a configuration file of the session. Please refer each document about the "Wayland input method" configuration. Before you configure the "Wayland input method", you should make sure that QT_IM_MODULE and GTK_IM_MODULE environment variables are unset in the desktop session.
2) Please unset QT_IM_MODULE and GTK_IM_MODULE environment variables and 'ibus-daemon --panel disable' should be executed as a child process of ibus-ui-gtk3 component.​
Setting the Virtual Keyboard in System Settings was OK but how do you unset the environment variables and how do you execute 'ibus-daemon --panel disable' as a child process of ibus-ui-gtk3 component. 🤔
Other than having to re-configure the desktop to make it more readable for me, wayland seems to be running OK so far.
1) IBus should be called from the desktop session in Wayland. For KDE, you can launch 'systemsettings5' utility and go to "Input Devices" -> "Virtual Keyboard" section and select "IBus Wayland" icon and click "Apply" button to configure IBus in Wayland. For other desktop sessions, you can copy the 'Exec=' line in org.freedesktop.IBus.Panel.Wayland.Gtk3.desktop file to a configuration file of the session. Please refer each document about the "Wayland input method" configuration. Before you configure the "Wayland input method", you should make sure that QT_IM_MODULE and GTK_IM_MODULE environment variables are unset in the desktop session.
2) Please unset QT_IM_MODULE and GTK_IM_MODULE environment variables and 'ibus-daemon --panel disable' should be executed as a child process of ibus-ui-gtk3 component.​
Setting the Virtual Keyboard in System Settings was OK but how do you unset the environment variables and how do you execute 'ibus-daemon --panel disable' as a child process of ibus-ui-gtk3 component. 🤔
Other than having to re-configure the desktop to make it more readable for me, wayland seems to be running OK so far.