Today i have installed kubuntu 23.04 on my legion 5, amd ryzen 6800, rtx 3070 and the whole day i am trying to figure out why the graphs are sluggish/frezeing on the external monitor i have - aoc 27 inch 144 hz and i have found out tihs https://forums.developer.nvidia.com/...slow/247419/11 which resolved my issue. AT the moment i am running with the latest nvidia drivers, is someone aware if there will be a fix for this, since what i have done is more a workaround?
Today i have installed kubuntu 23.04 on my legion 5, amd ryzen 6800, rtx 3070 and the whole day i am trying to figure out why the graphs are sluggish/frezeing on the external monitor i have - aoc 27 inch 144 hz and i have found out tihs https://forums.developer.nvidia.com/...slow/247419/11 which resolved my issue. AT the moment i am running with the latest nvidia drivers, is someone aware if there will be a fix for this, since what i have done is more a workaround?