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After updating to 23.04 from 22.10, when I try to update, I get the error " no metadata URIs for vendor-directory". I am guessing it is a bug. Anyone have a fix or info?
Did you reboot your computer after upgrading to Kubuntu 23.04?
How do you try to update your system - in Discover, in Konsole, in …?
What is the output of sudo apt update (to be sure) and fwupdmgr get-updates in Konsole?
Last edited by Schwarzer Kater; Apr 27, 2023, 09:39 AM.
Reason: language corrections
Debian KDE & LXQt • Kubuntu & Lubuntu • openSUSE KDE • Windows • macOS X Desktop: Lenovo ThinkCentre M75s • Laptop: Apple MacBook Pro 13" • and others
it just means that there is a problem with the firmware repository (unrelated and separate from OS updates)
I don't think this gets in the way of normal system updates.
You may want to try enabling the middle option, and disabling the 'Automatic" one or disabling all of them if you want.
I have seen it set to the bottom option for some reason, which always gives an error.