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Broken due to 22.10 upgrade - Aaarrg!

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    Broken due to 22.10 upgrade - Aaarrg!

    I have to say, this new update is all breakage and no improvement at all to the user. I wonder if I will ever want to upgrade again.

    The 22.10 upgrade have broken really important annoying things...

    - VLC can no longer play videos - audio but black screen.
    - Keyboard settings: Upgrade changed my keyboard layout so I could no longer use tilde and other "dead keys"!
    - Dolphin: Aliases no longer work in the console panel, even if they are clearly defined.
    - Audacity: The edit tools cut/paste are removed from the toolbar. Why? Leave working things be!

    I can never understand why anyone want to impair things just for the sake of "upgrading".
    Last edited by goranbr; Dec 19, 2022, 07:52 AM.

    Originally posted by goranbr View Post
    - Dolphin: Aliases no longer work in the console panel, even if they are clearly defined.
    Semi-Known KDE bug, though I thought this was more recent than what is in 22.10. If dolphin opens anywhere NOT your ~ they don't work. Workaround for now is to set Dolphin to always open initially to /home/your-username.
    I don't see a bug report specifically for this yet, and not sure if this happens if one has a separate ~/.bash_aliases fileor if it is just ignoring ones in .bashrc
    Last edited by claydoh; Dec 19, 2022, 09:32 AM.


      Originally posted by goranbr View Post
      ... this new update is all breakage...
      A bad update, to be sure, but I'd suspect that something went wrong, and if you did it again the outcome would be different. Two months since release lessens the likelihood, though.

      If I had that much breakage, I'd back it out and do it again. Of course, I use btrfs, so it's a few quick commands and reboot to back out a change. Perhaps if you end up reinstalling, even with another distro, you could consider btrfs.
      Regards, John Little


        Solutions / continued nuisances:

        1) "VLC can no longer play videos - audio but black screen."

        # apt-get purge vlc
        # snap install vlc --dev-mode   # Withoutt --dev-mode you cant access anything out of /home tree
        Also changed to Wayland session, although this has had some instability problems.
        Note: I basically hate snap, but it had a newer version, so I had to bite the bullet here.

        2) "Keyboard settings: Upgrade changed my keyboard layout so I could no longer use tilde and other "dead keys"!​

        On the command line:
        I needed swedish layout the use of dead keys like "~":
        $ setxkbmap -layout "se" -variant "nodeadkeys"​​

        Or in the KDE Settings/Input Devices/Keyboard/
        - Generic | Generic 105-key PC
        - Switching policy: Global
        - Map: SE <--- Choose your own country of course, this is only for vikings :-)
        - Layout: Swedish
        - Variant: Swedish (no dead keys)

        3) "Dolphin: Aliases no longer work in the console panel, even if they are clearly defined."

        I use the command line panel (F4) in Dolphin a lot, but the sourcing of .bashrc and other stuff has had a lot of problems.
        It was resolved for me before the upgrade, but now although I see that my aliases are defined I cant use them.

        Maybe it's a workaround for some to start Dolphin in one's home, but for me I have shortcuts on the desktop that I specifically want to take me elsewhere.
        So this is a real nuisance.

        4) "Audacity: The edit tools cut/paste are removed from the toolbar. Why? Leave working things be!"

        In the Audacity forums I learnt that the developers have decided to remove all-important toolbar tools lke cut/paste to "clean up the GUI".
        In hindsight, after reception of some heavy flak for their cleaning-up zeal, m they are considering putting these tools back where they belong.

        - Well, one can use the Edit menu, or keyboard shortcut like backspace = cut.
        Last edited by goranbr; Dec 20, 2022, 04:11 AM.


          Originally posted by goranbr View Post
          3) "Dolphin: Aliases no longer work in the console panel, even if they are clearly defined."

          I use the command line panel (F4) in Dolphin a lot, but the sourcing of .bashrc and other stuff has had a lot of problems.
          It was resolved for me before the upgrade, but now although I see that my aliases are defined I cant use them.
          Try moving your aliases to a ~.bash-aliases file, it seems to be working for me, though I can't recall if this has survived to a new login session or not yet.
          Alas, no one seems to have reported this bug to KDE yet, or linked a related one to this issue.

          Originally posted by goranbr View Post
          Note: I basically hate snap, but it had a newer version, so I had to bite the bullet here.
          There are other sources for VLC (PPAs and flatpak), as well as other video players. VLC seems to be having a downturn in quality recently, not specific to *buntu/snap
          I have been using Haruna/mpv and it seems good so far.


            Actually Wayland is far from production stability.
            - The icons on the desktop move on their own accord from left to right, without any reason.
            - The highlighting of menu item as the cursor traverses them is out of sync, so that the menu item three items below the cursor is highlighted instead of the one the cursor is currently hovers over.

            It's just not ready for prime time computing...
            However as long as vlc works tolerably well in wayland I will just grin and bear with its erratic antics.
            Last edited by goranbr; Dec 23, 2022, 09:43 AM.

