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Hello, can anyone recommend me a page or blog to learn how to use Samba at user level? I just want to connect the pc to the laptop at home, not to connect them outside.
Thank you.
Hi Anna Smith
I am looking for the same thing.... I haven't been able to get Samba to work between 2 computers, for a few years now. I've been using a portable SSD to move files around. Possibly because one had a slightly different version. (pc1=20.04 upgraded to 22.04.5 ... pc2=I thought was 22.04 but is 20.04.0)
From everything I have ever read, if you do a basic install, and have the same workgroup
it should work. I obviously use a different name for my workgroup as I used to have Windozs. It reduced "attacks" if they have to guess the correct workgroup name and admin 'username', and then the password.
I'll watch this thread