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LibreWriter doc with mixture of different language texts

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    LibreWriter doc with mixture of different language texts

    A quick search didn't cause anything to pop up, but it was quick.
    I'd like to drop it here in case anyone has an idea.

    Typing an .odt document in LibreWriter. Using, say, Liberation Serif font, in English.
    The keyboard is only set up to type English characters.
    When I want to include Korean language characters, I do a copy (from anywhere) and a paste (into the .odt document).
    Works like a charm.
    BUT ... sometimes it fights me, sometimes I can copy, paste, type, on and on, and the English and Korean land nicely.
    Sometimes, it fights me:
    I type some English, and the font is Liberation Serif.
    Then I paste some Korean text (in NOTO Sans CJ K KR font) into the document at that spot, and THEN after that Korean text, the font continues as NOTO Sans CJ K KR, and I must manually change it back to Liberation Serif.
    Believe it or not, sometimes that "fight" doesn't happen at all, even during a lengthy document.
    Sometimes, it's as if L-W has an AI that handles it. Sounds crazy.
    What do you think is going on?
    If it is a lucky thing when it works seamlessly, then it is one helluva lucky thing IMO -- very unlikely event!

    Just to make this somewhat concrete, I grabbed a random piece of text, which is typical of the text I am talking about.
    Remember, I do NOT type the Korean text into the .odt document -- I paste it (from elsewhere, like a translator, a Google virtual Korean keyboard that I use, an AI machine, whatever).

    Typical text segment showing the mixture of fonts (from a grammar summary I am constructing): (Edit: Note: The italics was added by KFN inside the Quote function I used to post this; but that doesn't matter anyway.)

    to get/become/ or past tense got/became [bigger, smarter, longer, younger, more beautiful]
    Rule: stem +아지다 / 어지다 / 해지다 (ㅏ ㅗ; or other; or 하다)
    present: stem +아져요/어져요/해져요
    past: stem +아졌어요/어졌어요/해졌어요

    "for": when you do something for someone's benefit, you can use 을/를 위해(사)

    Irregulars (v. or adj.), when last letter of the stem is ㄷ ㅅ 르 ㄹ or ㅂ
    (르: to see which to add, 아/어 or 았/었, you check the syllable BEFORE the 르)

    L6P6 Verb & Adjective Clause Modifier in Future Tense: same rule for both verb and adjective
    Basic Rule: stem without final consonant add -ㄹ; stem with final consonant + 을
    So just the simple symbol, ㄹ or 을, added to the verb stem, will futurize that verb as a modifier.​
    An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski

    In general terms, this has to do with how I manage to land in format code tags when I do a paste.-- whether I'm "inside" or outside."
    (If this were WordPerfect, you could see those tags, kind of like here on the forum, like .
    One thought might be this:
    Before starting, say, a page, I could highlight that page, and format it as Liberation Serif.
    Then see if a simple past into that page would basically just embed in it, or "take over" the formatting from that point on to the page end.
    Something like that.
    But, again, very strange that sometimes I am not even aware of all this and have no problems ... by luck of the tags?
    An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski

