A cording to release node fore frameworks 5.80.0 to shod be supported but is not working.
Did some googling and it appears what it is compiled without HEIF support by default.
Did some googling and it appears what it is compiled without HEIF support by default.
Unfortunately, HEIF images are still not supported in KDE Plasma / Gwenview as of Kubuntu 21.10 (and even Plasma 5.23 from the backports ppa), because the package kimageformat-plugins is compiled without HEIF support by default.
The support flag is not enabled yet in the default (K)ubuntu packages. There is a pending bug on launchpad "kimageformat-plugins should be built with HEIC / HEIF support” regarding this, please indicate that it also affects you and comment if needed.
I just managed to view HEIF images in Gwenview by recompiling the kimageformat-plugins package (I'm not a DEB expert, it is the first time I recompiled a DEB package, so please correct me if I'm doing something wrong, but it did work for me tonight):
Make sure deb-src lines are enabled /etc/apt/sources.list and /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kubuntu-ppa-ubuntu-backports.list (if you use the backports ppa with the latest KDE software)
Install dependencies:
sudo apt-get install build-essential devscripts
sudo apt build-dep kimageformat-plugins
sudo apt install libheif-dev
Create a directory somewhere, pull the package source into it and cd into the source directory kimageformats-5.xx.x within the new directory:
mkdir kimageformats-build
cd kimageformats-build
apt source kimageformat-plugins
cd kimageformats-5.*
Edit the file CMakeLists.txt in this directory: In the line which says option(KIMAGEFORMATS_HEIF "Enable plugin for HEIF format" OFF) change OFF to ON
Rebuild the package with debuild -us -uc -b
Go into the parent directory (cd ..), there should be new .deb file called something like kimageformat-plugins_5.xx.**.deb (in my case today it was kimageformat-plugins_5.88.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu21.10~ppa1_amd64.deb). Install that package by sudo apt install --reinstall ./kimageformat-plugins_5.*.deb
As @user1421503 said in his answer: Edit /usr/share/kservices5/imagethumbnail.desktop and add image/heif to the line which begins with MimeType=
Enjoy viewing your iPhone images in Gwenview!
The support flag is not enabled yet in the default (K)ubuntu packages. There is a pending bug on launchpad "kimageformat-plugins should be built with HEIC / HEIF support” regarding this, please indicate that it also affects you and comment if needed.
I just managed to view HEIF images in Gwenview by recompiling the kimageformat-plugins package (I'm not a DEB expert, it is the first time I recompiled a DEB package, so please correct me if I'm doing something wrong, but it did work for me tonight):
Make sure deb-src lines are enabled /etc/apt/sources.list and /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kubuntu-ppa-ubuntu-backports.list (if you use the backports ppa with the latest KDE software)
Install dependencies:
sudo apt-get install build-essential devscripts
sudo apt build-dep kimageformat-plugins
sudo apt install libheif-dev
Create a directory somewhere, pull the package source into it and cd into the source directory kimageformats-5.xx.x within the new directory:
mkdir kimageformats-build
cd kimageformats-build
apt source kimageformat-plugins
cd kimageformats-5.*
Edit the file CMakeLists.txt in this directory: In the line which says option(KIMAGEFORMATS_HEIF "Enable plugin for HEIF format" OFF) change OFF to ON
Rebuild the package with debuild -us -uc -b
Go into the parent directory (cd ..), there should be new .deb file called something like kimageformat-plugins_5.xx.**.deb (in my case today it was kimageformat-plugins_5.88.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu21.10~ppa1_amd64.deb). Install that package by sudo apt install --reinstall ./kimageformat-plugins_5.*.deb
As @user1421503 said in his answer: Edit /usr/share/kservices5/imagethumbnail.desktop and add image/heif to the line which begins with MimeType=
Enjoy viewing your iPhone images in Gwenview!