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Kubuntu presents updates every day!

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    Kubuntu presents updates every day!

    I moved from KDE Neon a couple years ago to Kubuntu mainly to avoid the frequent updates. However, in recent months I am presented with updates daily including "System Upgrade" which requires a tiresome extra reboot. I went to Software & Updates and checked the box for 'Automatically check for updates: Every two weeks" but the system still presents daily updates. Is there something I am doing wrong?

    "A man has to know his limitations." Harry Callihan (Dirty Harry)
    DIY ASRock AB350, AMD Ryzen 3 1200, 16 GB RAM, nvidia GT-710, kubuntu 20.04

    These are going to be the security updates, though most of these do not require a reboot. Kernels and some other driver things do need to do so. These security patches are released as they are fixed, not saved up.
    There do seem to have been more security updates lately, anecdotally.
    As an aside, the number and frequency of the updates you saw in neon were actually from the same thing -Ubuntu security fixes, mostly.

    I think you also need to check the "Only Notify" option below the Automatic updates.
    Also check System Settings>> Software Update and see if it is set to automatic or manual - this is for Discover specifically. The other setting in Software Sources is for OS level background checking

    Originally posted by kenj70 View Post
    I went to Software & Updates
    This is a Gnome setting label, not one found in Plasma,iirc. Though this in theory should not matter.

    you might also check that both /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/10periodic and 20auto-upgrades both have APT::Periodic::Unattended-Upgrade set to "0" and APT::Periodic::Update-Package-Lists is set to 14

    However, there are a few different bugs that keep popping up on the topic, even after they have been ..ahem... fixed.

    Another area to check would be any PPAs you may have, particularly certain Mesa/video driver ones. Some of these by design update very regularly, even daily. These updates do require reboots.


      Curious as to why all your updates require a reboot where almost none of mine do. Unless there's a driver update which requires the initramfs be rebuilt, reboots aren't normally required. Is it possible you've assumed that every update needs a reboot rather than it being required? Maybe something is set wrong in your system. FYI, when a reboot is required, the system creates this file: /var/run/reboot-required. This triggers the "Reboot required" messages.

      Another idea might be to change your workflow - rather than updating at the beginning of the day, do so as your last act before the end of the day. Then you can shut down after updating without rebooting.

      Please Read Me


        Originally posted by oshunluvr View Post
        Curious as to why all your updates require a reboot where almost none of mine do. Unless there's a driver update which requires the initramfs be rebuilt, reboots aren't normally required
        I am just now wondering if Offline Updates has been turned on in System Settings for some reason, maybe? This definitely would require a reboot to process updates, though of course doing so immediately is not required.


          IME reboots are rare, and specific.
          The next brick house on the left
          Intel i7 11th Gen | 16GB | 1TB | KDE Plasma 5.27.11​| Kubuntu 24.04 | 6.8.0-31-generic


            Thank God that they switched to 6.2 kernel with recent updates. 5.x was pure torture in the recent months with all the daily updates...
            I will rune next update next year.


              Originally posted by dejjanku View Post
              Thank God that they switched to 6.2 kernel with recent updates. 5.x was pure torture in the recent months with all the daily updates..
              I doubt that this will stop, most of the security and other updates have nothing to do with the kernel at all. I sure don't see daily updates, though it is close enough to call it that, for sure.
              The 5.19 HWE kernel doesn't look to be any different from past kernel update frequencies, say the original 5.15 LTS kernel, for example. The 6.2 will probably see a similar update pace.

              Linux distros don't normally save up security patches and update, then release behemoth updates every so often. They release them in tinier updates as they are fixed. One can update as often or as seldom as one chooses, of course.


                Sorry about my delayed response. My wife had a stroke the end of June and requires far more personal attention.

                I checked System Settings - Software Update. It is set to Manually and Use offline updates is selected. I have never touched this setting and the page says this setting is strongly recommended.

                you might also check that both /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/10periodic and 20auto-upgrades both have APT::Periodic::Unattended-Upgrade set to "0" and APT::Periodic::Update-Package-Lists is set to 14​
                Unattended-Upgrade is set to "1" in both cases - but I have never changed any of this stuff.

                I did a fresh install of version 22.04 and I have added NO PPAs.

                Although it has not happened in the most recent three days it seems like half the updates I get notified for are for System Upgrades! Those of course require a reboot.

                I guess I should log all my my updates that have the System Upgrade before returning to this thread.

                Thanks for the responses.
                "A man has to know his limitations." Harry Callihan (Dirty Harry)
                DIY ASRock AB350, AMD Ryzen 3 1200, 16 GB RAM, nvidia GT-710, kubuntu 20.04


                  Originally posted by kenj70 View Post
                  . Use offline updates is selected.
                  You can uncheck that option if you don't want to reboot for all of your apt package updates. In a sense all package updates are treated, or rather labelled, as system updates here.

                  Unattended-Upgrade is set to "1" in both cases - but I have never changed any of this stuff.
                  This is a default Ubuntu setting.

                  I hope your wife is recovering well.


                    Thanks claydoh for the recovery wishes. Less time for chit-chat now. I unchecked Use offline updates - and have moved on. Thanks again.
                    "A man has to know his limitations." Harry Callihan (Dirty Harry)
                    DIY ASRock AB350, AMD Ryzen 3 1200, 16 GB RAM, nvidia GT-710, kubuntu 20.04

