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SGX Support

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    SGX Support

    I am trying to convert one of my machines from HDD to SDD. I have cloned my installation to a Samsung EVO-970 SSD, but it will not boot. The boot hangs with the message "SGX has been disabled in the BIOS." That would be fine if I could find a setting for SGX in the BIOS, but there appears to be none. The board is a Gigabyte GA-Z170X UD3 (it's a fairly old board in today's terms, but it does have two M.2 SSD slots. Gigabyte's site is unhelpful as to whether there is an SGX setting.

    I have seen something on Github about building and installing an SGX driver for Linux. Given enough time, I might be able to get through all the instructions and build the driver, but I'm reluctant to commit the time without knowing that the mobo will accept the driver. (I am waiting for a support response from Gigabyte, which may tell me either that my board will support SGX or that it's time to get a new board.)

    Does anyone know anything about this problem? Thanks

    Have you seen this?
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.



      If this message is what you see when it freezes or doesn't boot to the desktop, it is not necessarily related to the actual problem, and very well may be simply the last thing printed on the screen output.
      Likely it is MUCH more likely related to the un-named cloning method. Device ID conflicts, etc.

      Have you removed the HDD at all, or is it still plugged in? Any other drives present?

      You probably need to edit the grub boot parameters to un-hide the full text output to see what exactly is happening.

      When you get to the grub menu, hit 'e', remove 'quiet splash' from the text, and then ctrl-x to boot.


        I used Gparted to copy the partitions I wanted onto the SSD. Before booting again, I disconnected all drives other than the SSD. I'll try your suggestion. Thanks.


          I had not seen that particular one, and I thank you for the direction. Having now looked at it, it does not solve the problem with my board. Secure boot is not an option anywhere in the BIOS. There are two entries in the BIOS that I wonder about. "Other PCI devices" is set to UEFI, which I think is right. There is also an option "Storage Boot Option Control," which now is set to "Legacy." Should that also be UEFI?

          The other BIOS setting that may be relevant is "Windows 8/10 features," and it now reads "Other OS." As I (mis)understand it, SGX is associated with Windows. If I set it to "Windows 10" will that do anything?


            SGX is not a requirement, it can be disabled (my new mobo iirc came with it turned off, for example)

            I still think it is hard drive IDs and boot files. This is an extremely common occurrence. Not sure how gparted handles things compared to clonezilla, but a simple web search will bring up zillion hits. Unfortunately, also a zillion potential solutions.
            I have used clonezilla to clone OS drives quite successful, it is able to handle all the hardware level changes quite well. Though I have mainly used it to clone Windows drives for family and friends moving to SSDs, I did clone my Linux sata SSD to an NVME drive a couple of years ago. Don't recall having an issue booting.

            I do recommend trying clonezilla

            It looks far more complex than it is, but I do recommend usingclonezilla over gparted. I am going to bet good $$ that the hardware ID, efi data, or some other things are not cloned properly using it.
            There are also other similar tools that might be useful as well.


              Cloning has an alluring simplicity, but it's not necessary with Linux, which in principle doesn't mind being copied around. One can copy a Linux install (sudo cp -a) from drive to drive, maybe to a different file systems, with a few tweaks to /etc/fstab and grub, and have a good chance it will just work. Sometimes even those tweaks are unnecessary.

              If you haven't already, I suggest removing the source drive and doing a normal clean UEFI install to the new drive, to make sure it works. Once you have downloaded and booted the installer it only takes 10 minutes or so.

              I suggest you post the details of the existing partitions on the source drive.

              This may be a good opportunity to move to btrfs.
              Regards, John Little

