I have a new wifi card, Aorus GC-WBAX210. If seemed to work right out of the box, recognizing all my networks. (On each band, I have a guest and a mac-protected network.) Except it would not connect to the mac-protected networks. So I deleted the old 2.4 mac network and created a new one with the same name. It works, and I can connect to it. The only problem is that it shows up as "New 802-11-wireless connection" rather than under the network name. I have given it a priority higher than my guest network.
nmcli con show:
Jim_5G is my guest network.
My new connection is on the 2.4G band. I probably can use the same procedure to recreate my mac 5G network, but it will have the same name. (I know because I tried it, then deleted it.)
How do I "rename" the new connection to its actual name? When I go into Connections--System Settings, the new network's name appears properly in SSID. It is not a hidden network. But the network listing on the left shows the connection as New 802-11-wireless connection, and that is what I need to change. Right-clicking on it gives only the options of disconnecting or deleting.
nmcli con show:
Wired connection 1 03707ec7-8f36-3491-89e4-1e56612020b1 ethernet eno1
New 802-11-wireless connection e253ed5a-7bb5-41d9-a413-af75aaa96aea wifi wlp5s0
Jim_5G c2f2bdc1-4a93-4ad6-8ea2-552feb006aae wifi --
New 802-11-wireless connection e253ed5a-7bb5-41d9-a413-af75aaa96aea wifi wlp5s0
Jim_5G c2f2bdc1-4a93-4ad6-8ea2-552feb006aae wifi --
Jim_5G is my guest network.
My new connection is on the 2.4G band. I probably can use the same procedure to recreate my mac 5G network, but it will have the same name. (I know because I tried it, then deleted it.)
How do I "rename" the new connection to its actual name? When I go into Connections--System Settings, the new network's name appears properly in SSID. It is not a hidden network. But the network listing on the left shows the connection as New 802-11-wireless connection, and that is what I need to change. Right-clicking on it gives only the options of disconnecting or deleting.