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Lenovo laptop and change wi-fi adapters

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    Lenovo laptop and change wi-fi adapters

    My Lenovo laptop's internal wi-fi card (an Intel 6 AX200, with which a lot of people apparently have had trouble) is screwing up. I'm going to get a USB AC wi-fi adapter. I think that then I need to download the driver for the new adapter, disable the internal adapter, and install the new AC adapter. I can get the driver, of course, and I can install the new adapter when appropriate. Disabling the internal adapter is way above my pay grade. I'm sure folks will need various outputs to answer. Which ones?

    Thank you.

    Before you spend money that might not end up with a working solution, read through this thread on askUbuntu: Same issue as yours, with a working solution.
    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


      You need to do good research for USB WiFi. Most are difficult at best to get working on Linux. Few are simple plug-n-play.

      Look here for some known good ones:

      You won't need to turn off or disable the existing Intel card if you don't want to. If your new USB card comes with a driver for Linux, it probably won't work due to being ancient. The ones in my link should work , or have links to usable drivers- however, these may require compiling code.

      I myself prefer the ax200/210 Intel cards myself and haven't had an issue with the 6 I have used in the past few years. I wonder if there is a quick config edit for things, since Intel WiFi has 1000x better support in Linux then any other wifi chip.
      Last edited by claydoh; Jun 05, 2024, 12:13 AM.

