Hey guys, long time, no chat.
That's mostly because everything has been working awesome for a few years. However, I've finally had to upgrade to Kubuntu 22.04 and after doing so I've run into some issues that I simply can't solve, and google isn't helping. Here's the list, and what I'd love to see happen if possible.
1. Konsole - When I copy something and paste it in konsole, if the item has line feeds, it no longer honors those. For example, if I paste this into konsole, it just highlights them, but does nothing until I hit return, and only then does it honor the feeds, but in a rather odd way. Here's one example I used for testing:
echo hello
echo time
echo place
I can paste that block into konsole and it not only highlights it, but it also doesn't run each command on a separate line when I do. (xterm gives me the same behavior, so it may not be a konsole issue) If I ssh into my remote server, the desired behavior occurs. When I do it locally, it does not. The same behavior is noticed when I ssh to a second Kubuntu box. IE, line feed is ignored until return is pressed. The only real difference between the two workstations and the remote server is that the workstations are both Kubuntu 22.04, and the remote server is CentOS7. So not sure if that comes into play or not. Anyhow, I have no idea how to fix that, and if it's just editing .bashrc or .bash_profile thing to resolve that. SOLVED!
2. Also Konsole - When I paste into terminal, the line is highlighted. I'd like it to not do that. Inversely, when I highlight something, the highlighting is very faint, and hard to read. I'd love that it be bright and easy to read like before. I've looked at the profile colors, but I'm not sure which one changes that. Mostly solved. The rest requires a higher version of bash?
3. Desktop Shortcuts - Okay, this one's weird as it works fine on my one workstation, but not the other. Anyhow, TLDR. On the one that's working, with Krusader, if I change the icon in the KDE app menu, it changes it on the taskbar. It flat out ignores any changes I make on the main workstation when updating the app menu. I did get it to work on the desktop icon, but not in the app menu. I prefer using the old blue Krusader icon to designate Krusader, and I got it working on two other machines now, but my main desktop has had an issue with desktop icons displaying correctly since install. I can change the icon to what I want, and it says it takes it, but nothing actually changes, and if I go back to the icon, it's the default krusader_user icon, the one that looks like an icon version of Krusader itself rather than the blue icon of old. I've had several other desktop shortcuts do this as well. Not sure what's wrong here. I did do some looking around and I found this shortcut that I think is part of the app menu, and it has the right info in it, but KDE isn't honoring it for some reason:
Ideas on how to resolve this weird issue are welcome. SOLVED! Had to edit /usr/share/applications/org.kde.krusader.desktop and set Icon=/usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/krusader_user.png WII!
4. Login screen - In 20.04 I could set my user icon in SDDM by setting it in my user. It's not working in 22.04. Lock screen with custom user icon works fine. Login still shows the default Kubuntu wheel icon for the user, and I also can't set a custom background for the login screen either. Not sure how to force that to be my installed user icon, or change the background. I changed it in settings, but it just reverts back to default, so not sure what's going on there. SOLVED!
5. Gwenview - I used to have a black background on that app. Now it's blazing white. Any chance to change that background color on directory view?
Anyhow, that's all I can think of right now that needs resolving, as I already solved the other items. If there's already other threads that resolve these, and I missed it, please let me know. Thanks.
echo hello
echo time
echo place
I can paste that block into konsole and it not only highlights it, but it also doesn't run each command on a separate line when I do. (xterm gives me the same behavior, so it may not be a konsole issue) If I ssh into my remote server, the desired behavior occurs. When I do it locally, it does not. The same behavior is noticed when I ssh to a second Kubuntu box. IE, line feed is ignored until return is pressed. The only real difference between the two workstations and the remote server is that the workstations are both Kubuntu 22.04, and the remote server is CentOS7. So not sure if that comes into play or not. Anyhow, I have no idea how to fix that, and if it's just editing .bashrc or .bash_profile thing to resolve that.
Ideas on how to resolve this weird issue are welcome.
Anyhow, that's all I can think of right now that needs resolving, as I already solved the other items. If there's already other threads that resolve these, and I missed it, please let me know. Thanks.