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Help with display settings changes

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    [CONFIGURATION] Help with display settings changes

    This is a problem that seems to go back as far as plasma, and yet I've not seen any solutions, so if one exists, please let me know. The problem I'm having is specifically related to kscreen, and changing the display resolution. On any other desktop, a change to the screen resolution, when applied, generates a timed prompt to keep the new settings. If you don't confirm the settings, they revert, and you're back to the previous resolution. In my experience, plasma doesn't give such a prompt, and immediately goes to the new resolution. This is fine, if the new resolution is supported, even if there are display issues, as you can just change back. However if it's not supported by your display, you're stuck without a display at all. I know that there are ways to fix this, and I've done so in the past, but what I'm looking for is an integrated way to get this prompt. I've set a few people up with a kubuntu system, and for those who aren't as knowledgeable as I am (which isn't much, I'd say I'm just competent,) it'd be an extremely frustrating/defeating experience. If it's possible, I don't know how to do it, and if it's not, is there a way to integrate a different display module into the system settings?

    Something that gives this type of prompt? Please let me know if there are any solutions for this.

    Originally posted by magus7091 View Post
    The problem I'm having is specifically related to kscreen, and changing the display resolution. On any other desktop, a change to the screen resolution, when applied, generates a timed prompt to keep the new settings. If you don't confirm the settings, they revert, and you're back to the previous resolution. In my experience, plasma doesn't give such a prompt, and immediately goes to the new resolution. This is fine, if the new resolution is supported, even if there are display issues, as you can just change back. However if it's not supported by your display, you're stuck without a display at all.
    I'm not sure if we're on the same page. You're referring to kscreen, which I've certainly never used directly, but I'm wondering if you mean the display settings in System Settings, which would call kscreen. There, you can 'apply' a new resolution without leaving the page, so if it screws up, you should (might?) be able to simply put it back, 'apply' it, and be done. If this isn't relevant and/or doesn't work, never mind!
    Xenix/UNIX user since 1985 | Linux user since 1991 | Was registered Linux user #163544


      Originally posted by DoYouKubuntu View Post
      I'm not sure if we're on the same page. You're referring to kscreen, which I've certainly never used directly, but I'm wondering if you mean the display settings in System Settings, which would call kscreen. There, you can 'apply' a new resolution without leaving the page, so if it screws up, you should (might?) be able to simply put it back, 'apply' it, and be done. If this isn't relevant and/or doesn't work, never mind!
      We are on the same page. It's accessible through system settings->Display Configuration, or
      Terminal: kcmshell5 kscreen
      What I'm looking for is something like the attached image. The problem with the way it's set is that if you select a resolution/refresh rate not supported by your monitor, and you only see "unsupported format" on your screen, there's no way to change it back easily. With a timeout confirmation like I'm talking about, when you hit apply, the dialog will ask for confirmation, and when it's not clicked, it will revert to the previous setting. This seems to be available on every other desktop environment by default, but I can't find a way to get it at all on plasma. For now the only workaround I know of is to use the comparable settings module from another environment, but I want a native solution if possible.
      Attached Files

