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How to set custom time format?

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    How to set custom time format?

    I see in the format menu that i can set formats by nationality, but I don't think any nation standardizes the formats I want. For example, I want an ISO short date (yyyy-mm-dd) but a 12-hour short time (hh:mmtt) - I've never seen those two things together before.
    How do I customize the time format irrespective to national standards?

    When I last looked into this, due to Qt brain-damage, one couldn't generally. The underlying internationalisation mechanisms were subverted by hard-coding in Qt. Even the list of countries was hard-coded. I haven't heard of any change to this.

    Other than recompiling the whole of Qt and KDE from source, fixing this idiot (IMO) practice, we're stuck.

    Some apps and widgets have done they're own handling.
    Regards, John Little


      Well I agree with you, failing to include that option is idiotic. Not only are custom time formats an option in vanilla Ubuntu; even Windows includes it as an easy-to-find setting now!
      I'm not completely clear, are you saying KDE by default allows custom times but Qt overrides it? Just curious exactly where the hangup is.

      I assume there is no chance I can add a glorified config file to the nationality options?
      Last edited by saxyomega90125; Nov 02, 2020, 11:53 AM.


        KDE is built on Qt, so is bound by its limitations. Gnome (which I dislike) is built on other libraries.
        Regards, John Little

