Added this comment because it took a while to narrow this issue. I cannot copy to USB ntfs drives, files having colons in their names (special signs like :, ?, etc.). And this is because FUSE does not mount by default ntfs drives to ntfs-3g. This happens in 20.04 Kubuntu and Neon, but wasn't in 18.04 and previous LTS distros.
This evening (in the morning all was fine) 20.04 suddenly stopped writing to usb drives (to any - checked).
Ex: when I try to copy a .odt file from the laptop to a usb drive, it says "Could not write to <the usb drive> the file...". But if I copy from the usb drive to the laptop it does work. Tried to open the .odt file from the usb drive, it gives only the choice to "Open read only" (or "Cancel") with the explanation "The lock file could not be created for exclusive access by LibreOffice, due to missing permission to create a lock file on that file location or lack of free disk space". Space there is a lot.
Looks like all my usb drives are locked to write in. Meanwhile, checking permissions, anybody can read and modify their content.
(See also my next post for narrowing this issue)
What have I done since the morning when everything was fine?
And suddenly I couldn't write anymore to any USB. What could it happen, and what should I do to "unlock" writing to usb?
PS: Can wait until Monday, meanwhile have a nice weekend!
This evening (in the morning all was fine) 20.04 suddenly stopped writing to usb drives (to any - checked).
Ex: when I try to copy a .odt file from the laptop to a usb drive, it says "Could not write to <the usb drive> the file...". But if I copy from the usb drive to the laptop it does work. Tried to open the .odt file from the usb drive, it gives only the choice to "Open read only" (or "Cancel") with the explanation "The lock file could not be created for exclusive access by LibreOffice, due to missing permission to create a lock file on that file location or lack of free disk space". Space there is a lot.
Looks like all my usb drives are locked to write in. Meanwhile, checking permissions, anybody can read and modify their content.
(See also my next post for narrowing this issue)
What have I done since the morning when everything was fine?
- First, I messed up a little bit with Kontact uninstalling and reinstalling some of its components with their dependencies, until I ended up reinstalling the whole suite, and uninstalling only the integrating package 'kontact' (as i don't like the mess it does: without it, all the suite components work much better). Not to say that I checked all uninstalled packages during this testings, see if by accident I didn't miss any, but all all were reinstalled.
- After that, I booted once into 20.04.1 from usb, and installed (in RAM) the Gnome Calendar, to compare it with Kontact. Then I shut down and reboot from the laptop's hard drive.
- Sometime in between I synchronized via KDE-connect the clipboards on my phone and laptop (copied an html link from phone to laptop). Then unpaired and closed KDE-connect.
And suddenly I couldn't write anymore to any USB. What could it happen, and what should I do to "unlock" writing to usb?
PS: Can wait until Monday, meanwhile have a nice weekend!