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A Power User Installs Kubuntu 20.04

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    A Power User Installs Kubuntu 20.04

    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

    Very nice review. Thanks!


      well, dunno...
      If what he DID with the cosmetics of the desktop is considered to be poweruser stuff then I think that almost all of the "old groaners" here are power users.
      I certainly tweak my setup more than he did, and yes, he is having to get a lot into a short time frame, ...

      BUT...he never mentioned the ONE OVERARCHING STRENGTH of Kubuntu which is the Activities!

      He is still using the Virtual Desktop.

      Now yeah he is a "power user" he certainly can type fast but I am almost as fast and I do not make the typing mistakes that he makes and is continually having to redo them.

      As to tweaking the desktop, my KParadigmShift has many, many more tweaks than what he, apparently, thinks is sufficient, being able to DRAG his four virtual desktops onto the desktop instead of snapping them but ...oh well.

      He did do an almost "eyeblink" reference to the cylinder but in no way at all that a "newbie" could understandsd in terms of setting it up.

      BUT he added Cairo Dock to the bottom of the desktop after moving the bar to the top of the desktop...okaaayyyyyyyy

      So, again, he threw in extraneous stuff to Kubuntu like Cairo Dock but does not ACTUALLY SPEND TIME ON the inherent strengths of KDE like... the cube or "shimmering" applications floating up out of the menu system...

      Cairo Dock...okaaayy? No, according to Don B. Cilly it was "Latte dock".

      He did not mention at all the various launcher options, such as the full screen launcher, intended for a tablet but quite usable on a regular desktop.

      He also did not mention AT ALL the dedicated music players of Kaffeine and Plasma Media Center which, since he types so fast could have installed using Discover.

      Two odd things that I DID get out of it is that VLC is "back" into the fold even though it is supposedly not being maintained! ?

      And I DO like the new setup of System Settings.

      I will come back to what I have said, over, and over, and over, and over, again...

      This guy is not talking to "newbies" he is talking to the choir.

      "The choir" certainly does not need to sit through a video one can merely read the release notes.

      "The choir" does not need to be walked through the install screens and then him "just doing this and just doing that in console"...

      So, I "assume" that he was, indeed, in his own way, maybe trying to "do something for the newbies".

      He did NOT ONCE mention to the "newbie" how to actually get the OS from a download page onto a CD or DVD or onto a usb stick...

      I guess that it just magically appears someplace and the newbie can 'just start installing it".

      If we really WANT to get "newbies" to Kubuntu why, oh why, does not a group of people produce a slow paced set of videos of short length to be hosted as a "channel" at YouTube(tm) that extol PRECISELY how a "newbie" would do stuff using the PROVIDED mouse controls/menu controls that so many developers have laboured over for so many years.

      dunno...guess i am too much of a fanboi and too old.

      but GG thanks for the link!

      Last edited by woodsmoke; Apr 13, 2020, 01:12 AM.


        It was Latte Dock
        Now, me, the first thing I do on any new system is install a nice conky so I know what's going on with the system itself before I do anything else.


          Originally posted by woodsmoke View Post
          If we really WANT to get "newbies" to Kubuntu why, oh why, does not a group of people produce a slow paced set of videos of short length to be hosted as a "channel" at YouTube(tm) that extol PRECISELY how a "newbie" would do stuff using the PROVIDED mouse controls/menu controls that so many developers have laboured over for so many years.
 has a lot of videos. He's not doing them currently, AFAICT.

          Here's one about the zoom feature I mentioned today elsewhere:
          Kubuntu 20.04


            Don B Cilly

            lol my mistake about Cairo and latte. Latte does seem to work better. I'll go back and edit the post.

            As to conky, yeah I was VERY deep into all of that when I was wandering lost in the desert and ran across #! Linux back when it was waaay down deep into Debian and you had to just about everything from scratch. One thing I loved about #! was that you could do xmms ( the original ) could run MPD from root quite easily so one could hook it into whatever really, really clunky GUI that you might want or just run it from CLI. It also worked absolutely great with gKrellm which I was very much into.

            I still have an old hard drive that uses the ribbon cable with my highly tweaked #! install on it and get it out to put it onto an old decrepit machine but... then I say to myself..."why?".

            #! bit the dust when they decided to go to Ubuntu for the base OS ... all of the fanbois left and it just disappeared.

            BUT there really was one really, really good thing about #! and that was it let one get one's "toe into the water" about using CLI to do everything... sigh...

            And yeah, back when I was into Compiz-fusion all of that was a great stressor for the system and I was always constructing "junque" from stuff in the thrift stores and all of that went to South America about what... ten years ago?

            So, hey, thanks for the correction! and bringing up memories about conky!

            and the link on the sidebar goes to the SKINS for gKrellm. I, actually downloaded them and put them on a cd when I thought that it might go away and it has also... sad...

            thanks again!

            woodlikesDon B Cilly stuff!


              Well, to me, conky is not about eye-candy or having fun setting things up.
              It's about knowing what's going on "under the hood". See, this is pretty much what my desktop looks like.
              It actually looks a bit better now, I made some small improvements ;·)
              You'll notice the right-hand side of the screen is pretty much all conky. I've set my windows to never cover my conky. That's how much I'm addicted to it :·)

              See, I've had years (and years) of... well, not quite malfunctioning, but funny-functioning systems.
              Even though lately - say past year or so - Kubuntu, and especially neon, have become incredibly well-behaved, and conky has become less... essential, I am now so totally addicted to it that without my "monitoring station" at my right hand I feel... blind. I would start to get anxious, aargh, is there a runaway process, is my RAM OK, am I having unwonted network activity, did I unmount that... I'm blind, I'm blind :·)

              Whereas, corner of my right eye always there, everything under control, I am the Captain of the Enterprise ;·)

              Click image for larger version

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                Don B. Cilly wrote:

                Whereas, corner of my right eye always there, everything under control, I am the Captain of the Enterprise ;·)
                Ya know YOU REALLY DO capture there the feeling that Conky and #! gave one... and also, back then, when machines were down in two gig range one NEEDED that...

                So... I can just see you ... you turn on the computer and as you are walking away to make coffee you look over to it, and nod and say..."make it so!"

                Boss desktop btw!

                good man!


                  Why use Latte Dock when all you need to do is add icons-only-taskmanager to your existing panel? I use multiple desktops, usually six. Right now 5 are populated with various tasks. I've never liked Activities so this suits me. Other than Neofetch, I didn't learn anything I didn't already know. Things he didn't mention were:

                  The dreaded libdvdcss2 thing
                  Enabling the partner archive if needed

                  That's all I can think of right now, I'm staring at an empty beer glass and wondering why I brought an empty glass up from the kitchen!
                  Constant change is here to stay!


                    Power user? Where's the terminal?? lolol
                    Really, unless one spends enough time in any one desktop/distro, all these reviews as usual barely scratch the surface. And if they do go deeper, they crab about something fairly trivial, mainly due to them being out of their element. They of course never have similar complaints about their normal OS.

                    Not that this is a bad video in any way, it is just copy-cat, redundant, and just like every other distro release preview.Then again this is Youtube, so it is to be expected.

                    Harumpf. This grumpy man has to go to work, in a downpour.

