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Kubuntu Focal installed on SSD worked much much slowly. All application starting long time and worked much slowler than Kubuntu Eoan I he tried it twice...
You haven't actually asked a question, and you haven't given us any real information to go on. :/
Windows no longer obstructs my view.
Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
"It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes
Since I use TWO SSD's, (Samsung EVO 860's 500Gb) and both are faster than lightening, I suspect that you have done something wrong in how you installed and/or formatted them. If all apps are loading slow it would seem, among other possibilities, that the amount of space you assigned to Kubuntu is barely big enough to contain it and the apps, so they are working against too small a disk space ... like only 5-10% free space left. Just a wild guess...
"A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
– John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.
Thanks Snowhog and GreyGeek. Installation is also on one Samsung EVO 860 500GB SSD. Wine stable from original repository. Last Update. Bionic and Eoan are faster than lightering also :-) Focal and Wine worked much slowly ALL aplication. Non Wine app worked normaly -the same as Bionic/Eoan. I have only one system on SSD! After installation I use fsarchiver and save/restore partition B-E-F (2-3minutes) I try two time clear installation Focal with the same result... Wine is different: in Bionic and Eoan is 5.3 (winehq ppa)and official repository Focal is 5.0 version.
20.04 is still in a pre-release state,. and perhaps Ubuntu's wine 5 packages are still needing some work before release. This is not unusual.
A better test would be comparing Ubuntu's wine 4 in Eoan to winehq's 5.3 in Eoan.
Or Focal's 5.0 to winehq's 5.3 on the same system, once they make packages for the upcoming *buntu release.
My laptop is a 2012 Acer Aspire V3-771G 17" laptop with an i7 CPU, 16 GB of RAM, and an Nvidia GT650M GPU, which is driving the Plasma 5.18 desktop using the nvidia-390 driver on Focal. I am running Steam's (version of WINE) Universal Sandbox^2, Kerbal Space Program 2, and under WINE only: SpaceEngine-0.98 and my wife's EKG analysis program. All run very fast.
Focal is taking the entire SSD, on which I installed BTRFS as the root filesystem. I don't know what you are using as the root FS, I suspect EXT4, but your installation should be blazing fast. What is your GPU and its driver?
"A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
– John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.
GreyGeek: I have PC MB Asus Prime Z270-P I7 Kaby Lake 32GB of RAM SSD Samsung 860 EVO 500GB and Nvidia GT1010 with 390 driver. I use EXT4 with small fat32 for UEFI. But EXT4 is the same on Bionic, Eoan and Focal. All run fast, only ALL Wine application very slow.
What form of WINE did you use? WINE, winetricks, steam, PlayOnLinux, or all of them? I don't install PlayOnLinux.
"A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
– John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.
What form of WINE did you use? WINE, winetricks, steam, PlayOnLinux, or all of them? I don't install PlayOnLinux.
Wine is different: in Bionic and Eoan is 5.3 (winehq ppa)and official repository Focal is 5.0 version.
I am still thinking the speed is likely due to Focal being in a pre-release state. if things don't improve with Ubuntu's wine by April, it should when WineHQ starts building Focal 20.04 packages in their repos.
GreyGeek : I use only Winetricks
claydoh : Yes maybe, but despair - I try instal newest Wine 5.3 from Eoan repository. Installation without problem, but result the same - slow. Sad, but wait to final release Focal.