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Final Focal on Kubuntu 20.04

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    There is a fix for the broken minecraft dependency on the way.
    On #kubuntu-devel & #kubuntu on - IRC Nick: RikMills - Launchpad ID: click


      If Claydoh is the Gandalf of KFN, Acheron is - despite the name - the Aragorn


        Originally posted by acheron View Post
        There is a fix for the broken minecraft dependency on the way.
        If that I have no doubt. The surprise would be if there wasn't. You and the team do great work! Many thanks!

        Anyway, I installed MultiMC with the Fabric API and it works beautifully. I need Minecraft.deb so I can use the Forge mod loader.
        "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
        – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


          I also noticed that the Google talk plugin was removed yesterday. Will that require a wait on Google?
          "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
          – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


            Originally posted by GreyGeek View Post
            I also noticed that the Google talk plugin was removed yesterday. Will that require a wait on Google?
            I think likely removed because of the same libpango issue. If so, should be able to install it again (from wherever you got it) when that is fixed.
            On #kubuntu-devel & #kubuntu on - IRC Nick: RikMills - Launchpad ID: click


              "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
              – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                Originally posted by MoonRise View Post
                Sorry for stealing this thread but I know those on this chain can answer.

                So, I have an 18.04 system that I want to migrate to 20.04. Best way? I'd like to help in the Beta Testing if at all possible.

                You certainly received many suggestions on how to migrate to 20.04.

                I am wondering how you are going as I haven't seen any progress update. I hope that I haven't missed it!


                  Originally posted by Don B. Cilly View Post
                  If Claydoh is the Gandalf of KFN
                  roflmao, maybe Sam, perhaps. More likely Pippin


                    20200331 Defect ISO

                    This morning build is not working 20200331. The installer crashes rapidly. It does not scan the HD, but the bootable stick. Here's the crash error:

                     Traceback (most recent call last):
                    File "/usr/lib/ubiquity/ubiquity/frontend/", line 514, in <lambda>
                      0, lambda: self.dbfilter.start(auto_process=True))
                    File "/usr/lib/ubiquity/ubiquity/", line 103, in start
                      prep = self.prepare()
                    File "/usr/lib/ubiquity/plugins/", line 419, in prepare
                      if self.frontend.ubuntu_drivers:
                    AttributeError: 'Wizard' object has no attribute 'ubuntu_drivers'
                    Downloading today's build now:20200401

                    Edit: Today's Build works and there was no incident. 24 packages in Proposed only.
                    Last edited by Radcliff; Apr 01, 2020, 07:33 PM.


                      Originally posted by claydoh View Post
                      roflmao, maybe Sam, perhaps. More likely Pippin
                      I have delayed commenting on this post just in case anyone else stepped up to respond.
                      Your reference to Pippin, as I understand it, is someone who is to be admired.
                      I have a suspicion that you are referring to me.

                      Am I correct


                        Originally posted by Teunis
                        I usually just install it in the same place as the old distro.
                        Only format the root partition, leave the content on the /home directory with he exception of the hidden files and hidden directories like .kde, .local, .config and .cache that should be deleted before installing. (So you keep things like .thunderbird, .pan, .mozilla and all the visible files and directories)

                        Obviously you want to have a recent back up in case the installation goes wrong.

                        But yes, as Don B. Cilly writes, providing you have enough disk space you would be better off installing on separate partitions to make a multi-boot system.
                        Actually just going to do fresh install on my root partition. Space? Maybe, but I'll do as I always I guess. Download ISO, burn, fresh install on root. Since this is 18.04 I guess I might want to rename .local and .kde. Wonder if I should on .cache and .config?


                          Originally posted by MoonRise View Post
                          Actually just going to do fresh install on my root partition. Space? Maybe, but I'll do as I always I guess. Download ISO, burn, fresh install on root.
                          Two labour and headache saving suggestions.
                          1. If you use btrfs, and use the trick (renaming the @ and @home subvolumes) discussed over the years on this forum, you don't have to worry much about space, unless you install too much altogether; space is in a big shared pool.
                          2. Burning to USB is an unnecessary waste of time; iso booting is more convenient and faster. No burn time, and the iso boots faster from a disc, and much faster from an SSD. If you're testing a pre-release iso, the time saved quickly adds up.
                          Regards, John Little


                            Haven't had a chance to play with btrfs. Someday when I have the free time. I hope. Had already created the USB boot, but really only took a few minutes.

                            So install went well. The only portion I thought was confusing was the warnings with not having a EFI partition which this setup does not have. Went ahead anyway and all boot well!

                            That's all I can say about 20.04 beta. So far so good. One application seems to have been dropped. I'll see if I can find a replacment for it. Yes, I do use it - Bombono.

                            Otherwise in under 1.5 hours have all back what I had. No issues. Even my personal customization scripts ran well and back to the look I had before I started.

                            Happy! 18.04 on this machine was getting old to me after having been using 19.10 on my other system.

                            Great Job DEVs!


                              On #kubuntu-devel & #kubuntu on - IRC Nick: RikMills - Launchpad ID: click


                                For some time now I have been wondering when Qt Version would be updated from 5.12.5. Well, on my Laptop with the proposed option selected, I was pleasantly surprised when QT Version 5.12.8 was installed.

                                So I expect with the normal repositories selected, it will be just a matter of days before 5.12.8 is installed. The announcement of its release can be found at

                                I, like others, are looking forward to the release of Kubuntu 20.04 on the 23rd April.

                                To all the developers, keep up the great work which is appreciated by us all in this time of uncertainty!

