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Displays always messed up after a cold boot

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    This is what I have:

    I also tried putting it as "before startup"

    I also tried putting it in /etc/rc.local but I had to create the file, so I don't know if it actually gets read.

    This is the script:

    echo Configuring monitors...
    xrandr --output HDMI-A-0 --mode 3840x2160 --rate  30 --primary
    xrandr --output HDMI-A-1 --mode 3840x2160 --rate  30 --above HDMI-A-0
    echo `date` "monitor config script ran" >>/tmp/monitorconfig.log
    Should I be using su to make sure it runs as my user or does it already get run as my user?

    What's the equivalent to the startup folder in linux? That might be the easiest way if I can just drop the script in there.

    This is what I meant with the flickering business, it's like the system just can't decide what to do with the displays it keeps turning them on and off and doing weird stuff.

    I think I am due for a clean install anyway on this system. There's just too much stuff that's messed up, this is only one of them. I shouldn't have to go through all this just to get monitors to stay put.
    Last edited by Red Squirrel; Sep 17, 2020, 09:57 AM.


      I may have gotten it to work. I wrote a C++ program that then runs the script with system() and I added it to startup as a program instead of a script. Now it's actually executing it. I could do the whole thing in C++ but I'll keep it as a script to make it easier to add changes to. Eventually if I feel fancy I'll just make a C++ based startup management application if I want other stuff to run at startup too. I guess a simple way would be to just tell it to run everything in folder.

      Still feels like a huge hack though, I don't know why this does not just work by default using the GUI app for monitors like in Windows.


        Doesn't look all that crazy to me. The one obvious tearing flash looks like it's happening at the transition from SDDM to X. SDDM indicates the top monitor is the main display. That's why the logo is up there. SDDM is a slave to the hardware (video BIOS) in this case so the only way to change that will be to change the connections. I only see the clock up there, so I assume you've got a desktop, just no wallpaper.

        I totally agree writing C++ code to do something this basic is a huge hack. It really seems odd you;re having this much trouble. Tested any other distros on the setup? That will at least prove it's not the hardware. Manjaro has a KDE version that runs well from a stick and Plasma is more up-to-date than most.

        I suspect that SDDM is the problem. As you can see here:

        this guy had similar issues and a fix. You might try that.

        Please Read Me


          Our configuration of SDDM doesn't use /etc/sddm.conf so we'll have to figure that out.

          Please Read Me


            Correction: It's there, but empty. Try it, nothing to lose at this point.

            I suggest turning off your script and trying the SDDM fix first

            Please Read Me


              I'll leave it for now since I need to do a clean install anyway. Too many issues with this install. My copy/paste is broken, file associations are not saving so I keep having to re-associate files to programs (Ex: excel spreadsheets always asking what to open with instead of remembering to open with calc), I get nasty audio glitches if I try to play music and browse the internet at same time and countless other issues. Hoping a clean install might make all of that go away, and fix the screen issue at same time.


                I would agree with doing that with all the shenanigans you're experiencing. I realize you're no newcomer but don't forget to verify the ISO after download and again after burning it to USB. You want a solid install from the start.

                Here's a post I made showing an easy way to verify a USB ISO after a burn:

                Please Read Me

